Logbook entry

Reptile Eater

13 Apr 2018Nuclearblt
Hello again,

Probably another normal day in the life of Commander Nuclearblt. It is rumored that the Anaconda is a powerful and mysterious beast that lurks in the shadows. However! Many many many roles of duct tape and failed attempts later, I have mastered the style of fighting passed down by oral tradition in the Tengu Wing... the legendary "kamikaze." In my exploits with Commanders Krittercon and Purplefinatic, I have tried  this fabled technique against the legendary creatures themselves: Anacondas.

In other days, took a somewhat pointless trip to Maia and killed some pirates along the way. My funds however... My funds have taken many hits after my failed attempts of decapitating anacondas with my Clipper and after getting into some accidental trouble with the cops. Ahhh man I probably would have enough to buy a Fer de Lance and join my wingmates in heavy combat roles.

I will probably be eating more snakes: diamondback, cobra, anaconda, sidewinder, you name, I'll eat it as long as the price is there

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