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The Southern Serpent - Fer de Lance

15 Apr 2018Nuclearblt
The Bothrops Asper, known as the Fer-de-Lance is one fearsome beast both in nature and the ship manufactured by Zorgon Peterson. Known for its deadly venom that can easily and swiftly cause tissue necrosis, the Bothrops Asper packs quite the heavy punch. The heavy fighter (FDL) can easily punch through any shield and give any unfortunate commander a hole in their hull. Recently, I purchased a Fer-de-Lance after getting absolutely caught blindsided by a few Federal Gunships, and oh man can I say this thing kicks ass. This ship accurately carries it's name as it is a lance that easily breaks through any opposing ship. However, it is only a lance and nothing else, you cannot use a lance to carry 224 tons of apples to a place nearly 335,725 lightseconds away. And it's hardpoint capabilities, oh boy. Slap on a few beam lasers and some plasma accelerators and it's the venomous bite of the Bothrops Asper reincarnate.

I chose to name my Fer-de-Lance "La Serpiente del Sur" translating to "the southern serpent." The once fearsome serpent that lurked in the southern regions of the Federation birthplace now lurks again, reincarnated into a resolute hunter that roams the most "Southern" parts of the bubble and Imperial space.

I can say without a shadow of a doubt, commander Suts' remarks and comments about this ship are entirely true with no bias whatsoever. It's seems that Tengu's combat flight is turning entirely into a FDL wonderland. As nice it would be to have an entire combat flight out of FDL's, the commanders behind them are somewhat... questionable at best. A British gentleman, a "recruited" pirate, a slave, and a coward. Lovely.

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