Ingrid's Log Entry 5: Halfway there
14 Apr 2018Ingrid Elfridr
If I remember right it has been about two weeks since Breez sent me to collect data in the HR 6164 system. I definitely remember how many trips it is taking to get back, but I lost track of how many jumps I have made so far days ago. Figure it will wind up being a nice surprise once I find out. Once I generate enough capital off of completely scanning each system I enter it will be more feasible to just explore for fun. The credit exchange rates concerning just about everything else wasn't generating credits like it used to.Anyways, I've had far too much coffee as I'm sitting here on the surface of an incredible looking planet while typing this, so it's time to burn a few more hours and take more photos. There have been some beautiful areas to photograph during this part of the trip.