Ingrid's Log Entry 7: Lesson Learned...
15 Apr 2018Ingrid Elfridr
Made it back into Ito Orbital just now. The first thing that I did was sell over 3 pages worth of data, and made some SERIOUS bank! Still waiting for all the new discoveries to stop scrolling. Note to self, keep a log of these things as I go. This discovery data is scrolling far too fast for me to log in just the system names!This is incredible. Now I can just go exploring for the fun of it instead of having to be a scanner spammer on everything I come across. Longer trips will be made in shorter time now, especially since I can get a better frame shift drive equipped to my Diamondback. I might run cargo for a few weeks, but that has yet to be seen. Bounty hunting is fun but can be expensive, and I have grown tired of running passengers around. Seems they don't like it when you use them as interdiction bait; I say credits are credits.
I need to figure out what to get together before I head out again, because the next time I go exploring it will likely be months before I lay eyes on Ito Orbital again.