Logbook entry

Ingrid's Log Entry 15: Taking a Combat Role for a Change

29 Jun 2018Ingrid Elfridr
I used the credits that I made off of the last two and a half months of exploration to outfit Brynhildr with class A internals and engineered all of my kinetic hardpoints. As a result for the last couple of days I have been ripping holes in a lot of the wanted ships that I come across in my favorite hunting ground. During yesterday's hunt I began to hammer an Asp Explorer so hard that the bugger steered right into an asteroid. I was so happy to find that I caught that on video. Vroom-vroom! SPLAT. This Chieftan can now take an Anaconda solo if I handle the fight correctly, granted the fight sent my ship limping back to Beregovoi Colony with multiple hull breaches, multiple broken modules and no canopy. Makes me glad that I decided to leave the cat in my cabin on the Orca.

I spent so much time outside of civilized space that I didn't even know that there was an Alliance Challenger. Not much more than a larger version of my current combat ship, but it certainly did pique my curiosity. It was a wanted ship so I just flew on over there and kicked the crap out of it. Yeah the Challenger has much better armor and more guns, but that doesn't mean much if one lacks the skills to utilize the ship's capabilities. Afterwards I flew to Ross 98 and bought one so that I can outfit it better.

Earlier today there was a bit of an accident that occured, and though I see where the Federation was coming from to an extent, but how the hell do I get stuck with a murder charge when that idiot slammed their ship into mine? Seriously, if you have hardly any hull integrity left in your fighter ship it's generally a very bad idea to slam your face into something larger than you... Luckily I was able to jump out of there to Aunochis so that I could pay it off before anybody had the chance to scan my ship.

I'm guessing that I will be busy outfitting the Challenger once I've gotten my fill of fighting for the day, but at this rate honestly I'm having too much fun.
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︎3 Shiny!
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