Logbook entry

4-22-3305: Official Statement from New Republic Regarding FNS Legacy

22 Apr 2019Ingrid Elfridr
Official Statement of New Republic Security Services and Bloodbound Harvest Special Operations Fleet:

Regarding the crew of FNS Legacy, New Republic laws state that if we have a ship that isn't wanted by local authorities, has been critically damaged and requests our assistance we have to take it into port until the facts of the situation have been ascertained. Reightler Dock has seen a lot of change since the arrival of New Republic and the eventual formation of Bloodbound Harvest, including having to form a set of procedures regarding humanitarian aid in case of civil war or Thargoid attack. As of now New Republic Intel is working on gathering the facts behind their desertion, as the Empire and the Federation are both regarded with suspicion within the Draguan Nu system. As all these criteria have been met temporary asylum has been granted to the crew, them and their ship being under the military and legal protection of Bloodbound Harvest. However, seeing as how flight data analysis lists Federal Agents pledged to Zachary Hudson and Felicia Winters second and fourth respectively from the top in frequency of reported pirate attacks and vouchers claimed, they will remain under close surveillance by Reightler Dock security personnel until the facts from both sides have been gathered by a data retrieval team.

As for the matter of the Federation Intelligence Agency vessels, they are to be regarded as hostile and immediately engaged by Bloodbound Harvest ships if spotted within the exclusion zone (10 km) of Reightler Dock, and this order is to continue until the facts have been gathered. This decision was made on the grounds of multiple FIA and independent vessels engaging a ship with a crew seeking political asylum within said exclusion zone, then turning on New Republic Security Services when they acted in defense of Reightler Dock. All independent bounty hunters that were present with FIA ships are ordered to leave the system immediately or deadly force will be employed to see that this condition is met. Officer Kawinski and BHS Nuclear Ghandi will escort FNS Legacy into port and oversee their procession for temporary political asylum. Lastly General Maite Snider has issued orders for any Federal Agents spotted aboard Reightler Dock to be escorted to the bridge of BHCV Skeggjold where they will be neutralized out of view of the public to avoid disturbing the population.

These orders are to be followed by both Reightler Dock Security Services and Bloodbound Harvest Special Operations Fleet until the facts of the situation have been ascertained, after which the matter will be handled between Bloodbound Harvest command and Federal Intelligence Agency spokespersons.
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