8-8-3307: The Barbarians and the Monkey Wrench
07 Aug 2021Ingrid Elfridr
As they say, oh the irony. I am a big fan of it, mostly for the sake of comedy and an excuse to get out the popcorn and cheese. Then again this is coming from somebody who overthrew a limp-wristed dictator and turned that throne room of his into a titty bar. Before you judge me, a vote is a vote and of course I was outnumbered; we got the shooting range eventually. What else am I a big fan of? Reading political opinions. I may have been heavily involved in the politics at Reightler Dock and even some tribal politics back home, but I am aware of how each side looks ridiculous to the other no matter my stance in the matter. It's sort of like this weird habit I have after drinking far too much and will laugh at the fact that I know I am tripping over my own feet, walking into walls because I forget which of the three doorways is the real one (Sam says an old famous piece of advice is to aim for the one in the middle), and can barely speak. Does it stop me? No. Back to political opinions: as someone who got their fleets involved in Kuwembaa for other reasons than just political ones, It is amusing to see the name calling and general crap flinging going on. Snider can say what she wants and rattle her sabre (I think there is a joke in here somewhere), however some of us don't really care about the political part of it. We only use legal and political language from our end as a means to justify action. Is it the right thing to do necessarily? Not exactly, but when some of your maritime laws are drafted from old Earth UN charters nothing more needs to be said.
"We are a dictatorship, jackass. -Quoted verbal justification.
Fact is this: after the investigations of the terrorist attack that killed Sanchez and 18 others and it was found Federal operatives were involved, we simply made the choice to mess things up for them as much as we possibly can. Of course with a small navy we do not have nearly the firepower overall, but an exterminator is not going to burn down a house to kill the colony of ants underneath. Think about accidentally dropping a wrench in front of the radiator on a cargo truck. Sure on its own it's nothing, but if it's allowed to sit there you're going to have the thing overheat and break down halfway through the day. I guess you could say that we are going around and making sure nobody is around before metaphorically whacking a small area of the main reactor, somewhere near the fuel rod connectors.
What a light show that would be.
The whole spectacle revolving around this war against secessionists is a bunch of political theatre on both sides, complete with folks dressed as fairies on the flyrail who sometimes crash into the proscenium arch. It's enjoyable, especially when I am waiting while Skeggjöld is re-armed. Luckily there is more combat than talk, though even now I see Federal pilots circulating some of the funniest Hudson memes I have ever seen. When you see folks poking fun at their own president as systems escape like sand through his fingers it makes me wonder what else behind the scenes might be going on.