Logbook entry

The Diary of a Space Scoundrel: On unfolding events

06 Sep 2018Seth Bradwell
A scientific-research vessel has been left stranded following a Thargoid attack.

The Gnosis, flagship of the Canonn Interstellar Research Group, recently made a hyperspace jump towards the Cone Sector FN-J B9-0 system. A short time later, the following message was received from Captain Mathius Leander of the Gnosis command crew:

“We were a short way into our journey when the Gnosis was hyperdicted by a group of Thargoid vessels. The wrench back into real space caused severe internal damage to multiple systems, including the frame shift drive.”

“There’s no doubt that we would have been destroyed if not for some of the Commanders travelling with us..."

Well, well, well. What a farce. All of humanity's supposed finest and they are unable to work out what happens when you stick your head into a lion's cage. Now the great and good will be running up there with meta-alloys in order to try and fix their little raft so they can continue to attempt suicide. What intrigues me is why was their destination permit-locked anyway, and how come the attempt to get inside was thwarted by Thargoids as if no one could see it coming. Did no one think to equip that ship with the latest Guardian thingamijggery and whatever? Call me a conspiracy theorist, but maybe this whole thing was designed to fail, maybe so the "big boys" at Aegis can come in and save the day and splatter some bugs like their INRA predecessors did over a century before. Speaking of which, does anyone find it the least bit concerning that Hudson is moving the Aegis HQ to Sol, right at the heart of the Federation, even though it is supposed to be a joint effort of the three superpowers? It sounds like the perfect plan if you wanted to wrest control the of project and sideline your partners into playing the fall guy when it all goes belly-up, and with the Empire struggling with its own infighting, there is no better time for the Federation to cynically exploit the situation to undermine Imperial (and indeed for that matter, Alliance) authority with the aim of turning the Federation into the sole galactic hegemon. Which, as an Imperial citizen, gives me major cause for concern, yet none of the bureaucrats and yes-men on Capitol seem the slightest bit concerned, instead fretting over Our Beloved People's Princess' latest exploits - it pains me that I joined in the fight to wipe out Emperor's Dawn, nasty bunch of reactionaries that they were, for this. Has the Empire lost all sense of purpose? Rhetorical question, if I thought the answer to that was anything resembling a no then I wouldn't be in this backwater trying to cause a local nuisance for the Federation by spreading Anarchy one system after another, and even that gets tedious between the wars, and indeed during the wars, although flying back to base with a busted canopy and less than 5% hull does provide for the odd thrill now and again. Anyway, enough idle speculation, I have to be flying off, I have a smear campaign to assist in...
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