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The Diary of a Space Scoundrel: Laying the Groundwork

09 Sep 2018Seth Bradwell
02:50: I Sola Prospect, Brestla
A brief update as I am so tired after 12 hours of nearly non stop grinding, towards the end I ended up overshooting my destinations quite a bit, forgot to request docking and had to frantically reverse out of a station, tried to land on the wrong landing pad, kept failing to cut the thrusters and ended up overshooting again (thankfully no damage), and kept coming into planetary destinations too fast and had to wait for the FSD to cool down from an emergency shutdown before getting ready to make the final approach. (PSA: Don't fly tired, Commanders!) But all the grinding is pretty much done bar a few straightforward transactions to unlock the last few Engineers. When I have slept and can think straight, I will reveal all, there is a particularly interesting story about the civil war in Lave, which I fortunately managed to avoid being caught in the crossfire, it's a madhouse out there at present. One final thing, it feels great to be back in the Empire, no matter how brief my stay, it wasn't something I thought I would feel but everything felt better after my ship touched down on Imperial soil, and now it's time for a good night's sleep, then work can properly begin tomorrow.

This is Cmdr Seth Bradwell, signing off for the night.
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