Logbook entry

Going Walkabout: The Far Side

26 Oct 2020Seth Bradwell
I left Storyteller's Fire to continue my journey to the edge. First stop was Byua Aub WO-K b36-0 - known for the ammonia vents (a particularly rare form of celestial geology) on the innermost moon of the third plant of the system:

Then I went to visit Curie's Vault, another body with ammonia volcanism, known for it's distinct crystalline 'shards', which are abundant in polonium, and hence were named after Marie and Pierre Curie, the discovers of that element:

Then onwards to "Shadow Earth" - an Earth-like world which is the nearest to the physical antithesis from Sol (the point as far out from the centre of the galaxy as Sol, but in the opposite direction):

After Shadow Earth came Luna's Shadow, at the exact physical antithesis from Sol:

At Smootoae HX-L d7-160 I came across a trinary system, where all three stars were orbiting extremely close (within 55 Ls) of each other:

Finally, to call it a night (although in space terms like "day" and "night" are not that useful) I land on an ice world to rest, located in a non-distinct system of which I am the very first human visitor (the scan data providing little of worth barring bragging rights though), noting that I am now just over 13 Kly from Beagle Point, four fifths of my journey complete:

A shot at the Leif Erikson, standing all alone, the only sign of any human life that has ever come here and in all probability, will ever be here:

Finally, a look back towards the galaxy, and indeed home:

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