Logbook entry

Through Hell and Back: Building a Brighter Future

29 Apr 2021Seth Bradwell
15 January 3307 – Stillman Hub, HIP 22550

“Lakon Hotel-Echo-Romeo requesting permission to dock.”
“Permission granted, Commander. Welcome to our starport. Please proceed to landing pad four-zero.”
I take the Hercules down to the docking bay, complete with another full hull of grain for the newly established Marlinist Colonies. Whilst many in the Empire would look on my actions with complete scorn, I feel that it is only fair that the refugees are given a fair chance, and this seems like the best of all worlds for everyone, not only are they safe from deportation back to an Empire that would imprison and enslave them for their actions, they are no longer putting pressure on Federal systems either, thanks to some canny diplomacy from Sirius Corporation, who are eager to not see the tensions between the Federation and Empire boil over into all out conflict. Whilst it would be naïve to think that Sirius were doing this for purely altruistic reasons, this seems the best hope for peace, and for now the sabre rattling between the two superpowers appears to have abated. Also now the refugees have been granted their own small part of the galaxy, it will be easier to observe them, and identify any NMLA sympathisers among their midst.
“Docking completed. You may disembark when ready.”
I punch up a remote link to the commodities market on my ship's computer, and sell my latest consignment to the colony – with automated drones working to unload my ship and transfer it to the starport's warehouses. I did not intend to mingle on the colony, in spite of my sympathy with the refugees I feel out of place here, this place which harbours people who have renounced the Empire to build a new life, whereas my loyalty still ultimately remains with the Empire, waiting to take arms against the hated NMLA. However the Marlinists are far less likely to cause trouble if they are able to thrive, and ultimately the Empire is relieved to no longer have to concern themselves with them. It just remains to be seen if that trust is well placed or not...

18 January

I had a close shave this morning. I was moving another load of grain to Stillman Hub when I was interdicted by pirates. Or at least they acted like pirates, other than how no self-respecting pirate would bother to engage in combat over mere grain. Also they had Imperial accents, and were flying Clippers that looked as if they had just come from the showroom. Nevertheless escape was my chief priority, as I punch in a mayday to the system's nascent security forces whilst engaging boost and turning off flight assist, turning the T9 around to face my attackers, then boosting straight past them, buying myself some extra time as they had to turn around to pursue me. Quickly I set the navigation computer to a nearby star, and fire up the frame shift drive, making sure not to stay in a straight line for too long. I wait for what seems an eternity for the drive to charge up due to the mass lock, finally getting some distance as a Fer-de-lance swooped into the action, engaging the Clippers - this must have one of the bounty hunters that have taken it on themselves to provide security for the colonies until they can build their own security forces. I briefly send a message of thanks over the comms as my FSD finally kicks in, and jumps me to safety. From there I make my way back to Stillman without any further incidents. From the safety of the station I reflect on the morning's events. The Empire officially endorses the colony, albeit with the caveat that anyone found to be a member of the NMLA is turned over to them. Yet many Imperials are disgruntled at the thought of effectively giving amnesty to people they consider traitors. There are traditionalist factions, including those who sympathised with Emperor's Dawn, who want to see Marlinism wiped off from the face of the galaxy once and for all. Such factions may abide by the Imperial Senate's agreement officially, but unofficially, there is nothing the Empire can do to stop them assuming an independent identity and working to undermine the colonies. Fortunately for now, the presence of bounty hunters seem to be keeping whoever these troublemakers are in check.

Back in the present day...

“You seem to be deeply distrustful of people's intentions, to the point of paranoia, and for someone who considers themselves an Imperial loyalist, you don't seem to trust your own side much.”
“How long have you been a councillor for the Pilot's Federation, exactly?”
“About four years, now. But why is that relevant, Mr. Bradwell?”
“Then you should have met a wide variety of pilots who have seen the worst the galaxy can throw at them and then come back for more. In my line of work, people who are too trustful don't stay alive for long.”
“Maybe out in the frontier, but this is Achenar, probably one of most lawful, secure parts of the galaxy. The most common case I have to deal with are security pilots who have seen their comrades go down in the line of duty.”
I groan. “Okay, I take it you need it explained to you in intricate detail, and trust that promise of confidentiality means you won't go blabbing to the IISS. Yes I am a proud Imperial citizen, I am a product of knowing people of high status, which served me well, and if you have gone through my records, you will be aware I lost my home and my family when I was fifteen, and I have never come up with an adequate explanation for how such a terrible event befell them.”
“I read the reports. But yours is not the only Imperial colony to fall afoul of a Kumo Crew raid...”
...Raid??? It was a complete massacre! Billions dead, if not from the attack itself, then from the resultant famine! Thousands more subject to a fate worse than death as slaves, and unlike in the Empire when they are freed after a set period, only the Void shall release them! All this due to a traitorous patron who sold us out, and an understaffed, under-equipped security force that could just watch as the colony was bombed to the Void! Not to mention how no one saw this coming until it was way too late. The are some good people in the Empire, people who mean I now fly across the galaxy for a living, rather than being some slave in some forgotten mining colony where I can expect to be for the rest of my life, purely because that is my only viable option if I do not want to starve. But there are some pretty rotten people in the Empire too, people who do not think twice before sending billions of lives to the Void in order to further their own quests for power and glory.” I try and hold back my anger.
“Do you feel your inability to do anything about what happened in the past accounts for your present situation?”
“If you mean do I want to find out how is responsible for what happened so I can dispense swift, absolute justice, then yes. But there was a huge cover-up at the time, and I have since contented myself with treading my own path, though still awaiting an opportunity to strike out against the Kumo Crew – not that that's likely to happen now.”
“We seem to be going off course here. Whilst your inherent mistrust of people goes beyond what I would consider healthy limits, there does seem to be a reasoning behind this, although I am concerned that your dwelling on past events will cause you nothing but further hurt later on.”
“If I wanted to talk over my past, I would have done so earlier, of my own free will.”
“Regardless, this is not the direct reason you are here. You seem to have an affinity with Marlinism, even if you despise the NMLA. I would like to know a lot more about why that is...”
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︎3 Shiny!
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