Logbook entry

Through Hell and Back: More Atrocities

04 May 2021Seth Bradwell
March 4 – The Inevitable Disappointment, Moon Camp, HIP 71938

“You have got to be kidding me!” I looked at the GalNet feed in disgust.
“It's a turn up for the books, but it's not as if any of the superpowers have never dealt with crooks before.” said Morgan, trying to stop me from hurling my glass of Kongga Ale at the screen.
“But it's Archon Delaine, Morgan! The most notorious pirate lord the galaxy has ever seen! A man with the blood of billions on his hands, responsible for enslavement of entire systems! No other human being has caused so much death and misery in the history of humanity. You do not make deals with the likes of him!”
“Sir, this is a bar out on the edge of the Bubble...” one of the other drinkers said.
“We are having a private conversation, do you mind?” I raise my fist, awaiting a brawl.
“The whole bar can hear you, Bradwell. Now sit down, calm yourself, and stop making a scene.” the bartender said. “Just because you are a hero in these parts doesn't mean you can go around stirring up shit like you own the place.”
“You know what? Screw you all. Should have just left you all to rot, since you care so little for anyone but yourselves!” I storm out of the bar.
“Seth...” Morgan began. “Leave it.” I replied sharply. “Just leave it. I want to be alone for the next few hours.”

I walk into the stateroom on the Edge of Sanity, and open up the drinks cabinet, needing some hard liquor to numb the pain. My eyes lock on the bottle of Harma Silver Sea, a present from Morgan after we had exposed a plot between Moon Camp's corrupt station manager, Hector Martin, and a villainous HIP 71931 Social Partnership executive, Allan Heenan, now standing three quarters empty. My instinct was to throw it against the wall in disgust, but I compose myself and instead pour a generous serving of Lavian brandy. Archon Delaine must die for what he has done, I thought, now, if I could just get past his guards... I let out a laugh as I acknowledge the futility of it all. Ha, kill Archon Delaine, good one! You really think they will let you walk into the Summit? I put my head in my hands. Colonia looks quite promising at the moment. But how could Delaine come out from the cold, just like that? Some ambassadors, to give them credit, walked out immediately. What in the galaxy is Sirius playing at here? Chancellor Blaine has proven to a spineless craven as well, backing up Sirius' proposal that Delaine be allowed to address the conference. Maybe I am taking it all way too personally – as Morgan said, there are criminals out there which are just as vicious as the Kumo Crew. But to legitimise that, and to get the nod from the Chancellor of the Empire, after all the conflicts between the Empire and the Kumos? That leaves a very bitter taste in my mouth. Credit where it was due, Patreus was giving the idea very short shrift indeed.

My comms bleep, with a text message: Hope you are okay, and not doing anything reckless. I don't like this either, always thought Sirius were untrustworthy. - Morgan
I respond: Well you'll be pleased to know that the Harma Silver Sea is still intact. Gonna sleep on it, as for Sirius – in other developments on GalNet news: water discovered to be wet. - SB

The next day – out in deep space

I let rip on the pirate's drive, having laid waste to his FSD, then proceed to target his canopy, watching as it breaks open, exposing the pilot to the vacuum of space. My scan indicates that he has a top-notch Remlok life support system, giving him another 25 minutes before he was at one with the Void.
“Please, have mercy, just finish me off, I know I've been beat...” the pirate pleaded with me.
“Mercy? Do you really think that a low-life pirating piece of biowaste deserves mercy? No, your journey to the Void will be slow and agonising. For that's all you vermin deserve, every last one of you, from the most pathetic of minions right up to Archon Delaine himself!”
“For the love of the stars, I swear I have never been involved with Delaine or his mob! He always gave me the creeps. All I ever did was filch some low temps off miners and smuggle a bit of onionhead here and there. But you – you really have stared into the Void long enough for it to stare into you. I don't know what beef you have with the Kumo Crew, but I did nothing -”
“Save what little oxygen you have left to waste. I do not grant mercy to pirate scum. Just creamed a bit off of hardworking miners and smuggling illicit drugs, eh? Is that really why you have a quarter of a million credit bounty on you?”
“Damn, why won't you just blow up?” the pirate mutters, as he tries and fails to initiate his ship's self-destruct sequence.
“Must have been a lot of void opals you snatched, for a bounty of that size.” I taunted.
“Okay, yes, I admit it, I blasted a few miners into the next life after they refused to cough up. I was tired of being disrespected.”
“There, that wasn't so hard? Feels good to confess one's sins before one's inevitable encounter with the Void. Does a lot to put their mind at ease. Oh and you still have about ten more minutes of oxygen left too, how does that feel?”
“Strange, I feel strangely at ease, for the first time in many years – Voiddammint why won't you just self-destruct?”
I begin to turn away, engage my FSD, then cancel it, then go back and target the pirate's power plant.
“For all the families and loved ones of those that will never return.” I say solemnly as I unleash a full volley of multi-cannon fire. Within 30 seconds, the power plant detonated, and the pirate's ship disintegrated. Amid the debris I thought I could see an escape pod – I chose to ignore it and leave him for any search and rescue teams. With a little luck, he should be scooped up within a few weeks. Or maybe a month or two.

March 8 – back at the Inevitable Disappointment

“Now, please try not to get mad when Delaine makes his speech.” Morgan pleaded with me.
“Why would I get mad? I am an oasis of calm in the desert. Nothing can jar me.”
“Now you know it unnerves me when you do that.”
“Do what?”
“Make it so I cannot tell if you are being sarcastic or not. Also you have had this crazed look in your eyes for the past three days.”
“Morgan old friend, I am absolutely fine. I have channelled my anger into a calm and responsible outlet.”
“Yeah, been hearing on the rumour mill, pirates are even more nervous than normal about coming to this system. Something to do with some bounty hunter with a sadistic tendency to cripple their ship, shoot up their life support, and then watch as they run out of oxygen.”
“I really do not know what you are talking about.” I flash a smile.
“Matey, you should really check yourself before you start becoming properly unhinged. I have seen a lot of good men turn into monsters because they let their demons consume them.”
“Okay, you've made your point. Now hush, the maddest of all madmen is about to talk.”
The lights dimmed as Archon Delaine began his speech. The bar was packed as people came to hear about this event which could alter the whole galaxy, knowing that even out here, the Kumo Crew's decisions could have knock-on effects on pirate activity, as very few criminal factions in the bubble are completely isolated from the influence of the Kumo Crew.

“Most of you see me as a common criminal, rather than the rightful ruler of multiple systems. That must end now! My efforts to build a Kumo nation deserve respect. I am here to declare my sovereignty and take my rightful place on the political stage.” announced Delaine. Wow, that is one audacious proposal, gotta give it to the Pirate Lord, that was some immense chutzpah there.
The audience let out a collective gasp, followed by a groan, and several exclamations of disgust at the Kumo Crew leader's propoals. The GalNet feed then focused on Asling Duval, who stood up.
“Who are you to consider yourself worth of standing here before us and claim to be considered an equal among us civilized citizens of the galaxy? Your reputation for terror, violence, and slavery knows no bounds, and your presence here is a mockery of nobility!” The audience watching at the Inevitable Disappointment erupted in standing ovation. Oh Princess Asling, I must owe my most humble of apologies. All those years I thought you were just a spoilt high-born desperate for fame who virtue signalled their way to popularity. May all the galaxy bask in your glory and compassion.
The bar quietened as the cameras returned to Archon Delaine. “Are you all so innocent, then?” he mocked. “Every civilisation begins with barbarism, and maintains authority with the threat of violence. None of you can say otherwise. We all wear a crown of bones.”
There then was a debate over whether the Kumo Crew could be recognised as a legitimate power or whether this was an attempt to garner acceptance from the galactic superpowers. The delegations remained dumbfounded at what had just unfolded.
“Well, that was something. Gotta admit, no matter how much you hate Delaine, he has a point.” Morgan said after the feed ended.
“What point would that be? Surely you aren't going to let yourself be duped by what he had to say? The man is still a brutal monster.”
“It's that bit about civilisation beginning with barbarism. Every civilisation has its ugly side, its origins borne of blood and conflict, and someone had to fall in order for that civilisation to rise. It goes way back to when we first crawled out of the trees on Old Earth.”
“But we move on from barbarism. We set down laws, make it so the innocent can live in peace whilst the guilty are justly punished. And eventually we acknowledge our past crimes.”
“Do we really? Take a look at the records of all the three superpowers today, none are champions of freedom and egalitarianism. Although some are more honest about that than others.”
“I don't want to debate the rights and wrongs of the Imperial system of government compared with that of the Alliance or Federation, Morgan, especially since the latter in particular has been found to be seriously wanting in the “freedom and egalitarianism” department these past few months.”
“Come on, you admit yourself the Empire is hardly an ideal society.”
“It isn't – but compared to the back-stabbing hypocrites of the Alliance or the ruthless cut-throats that run the Federation, we are at least honest about our shortcomings. The politicians of the Alliance and Federation preach democracy yet consolidate power amongst themselves – have you seen what's been going on with the Feds these past few weeks, with that Rochester fella? Hardly an endorsement. Meanwhile the Empire is the Empire, nothing more, nothing less.”
“So that's it then? You are happy to stick with your overgrown feudal state with its power concentrated in the hands of a privileged few where it is always about who you know and never what you know, complete with its legitimised form of slavery lite?”
“It's where I come from. It's home to me. I feel I need to stand up for it, regardless. Also one thing the Empire does have in its favour is a certain princess who laid the smackdown on Delaine, and who wants, for better or worse, to ultimately abolish 'slavery lite' as you referred to it.”
“Yeah, Asling really did put all those other delegates to shame. But she is still one lone voice of reason, and she has her fair share of enemies.”
“I have my differences with her, but she is the best we have so far. I dare say she is the Empire's last, best hope for freedom.”
“We certainly could do with some hope around here. What in the Void is Sirius doing? I do not like it, they have always been something strange about their practices, and they have been known for playing the galaxy like a harp.”
I sigh heavily. “One way or another, we are soon going to find out...”

March 11

I wake to the sounds of my comms chirping. “Seth Bradwell here.” I respond, still half asleep.
“Seth! Turn on GalNet, quickly!” cried Morgan. “A big load of biowaste has just blown up in the galaxy's face!”
I fire up GalNet to see the all too familiar sign of blazing station interiors, with caustic agents eating away at the structure and the docking bays scattered with debris.
“Oh Void... where's been hit?”
“Multiple stations across the galaxy. So far they have reported stations in Sol, Alioth, Achenar...”
My stomach churned. “Seth, I am going to check in with AXI to see if they have heard anything.”
“Don't waste your time, Morgan. If it was the Thargoids we would already know about it, also it's highly unlikely they would actively target the seats of government of all three superpowers. This has NMLA written all over it.”
“Seems they aren't the only places hit either. Several key systems for each of the superpowers... oh Stellar Forge, they've attacked Lave!”
“Damn it! What in the Void did Lave do to piss off the NMLA? They aren't even part of the Alliance, they are as neutral as you can get.”
“I have no idea why they have hit Lave. Maybe past associations makes them a target? Or maybe this is the NMLA telling the whole galaxy that no one is safe from their actions.”
I pause briefly. “I have a nasty feeling you're right. But mark my words, they knew exactly what they were doing.” GalNet then cut to a feed of Lave Radio.

“This is Lave Radio from Lave Station. Normal programming has been suspended. This is an emergency broadcast. There has been a caustic bomb attack on Lave Station. Civilians are advised to proceed to the nearest shelters to await evacuation, or if that is not possible, to stay within their quarters and await further instructions. Please keep the hangars clear as they will be required for emergency services. Please stay calm and await further advice. This is Lave Radio from Lave Station...”

Two hours later

“It has just been announced that the Neo-Marlinist Liberation Army has claimed responsibility for attacks on stations in nine systems throughout the galaxy.” announced the GalNet reporter. “These include all three superpower capital systems as well as the headquarters for prominent figures in the galaxy. In addition, the independent system of Lave, once the capital of the Galactic Cooperative, has also been attacked. The Pilots Federation has issued a galaxy-wide alert for pilots to assist with repair and evacuation efforts. Meanwhile the following message has been relayed on NMLA propaganda channels across the galaxy:”

“I no longer have a name. Nor a family. Nor a future. Each taken by the Empire. Now all I have is the dehumanising number printed on my uniform in their torture chambers. Now all I am is Theta Seven. The Alliance and Federation's rulers have revealed themselves as imperialist supporters of the Duval dynasty, which has crushed our ideals for a thousand years. Peoples of the galaxy – you can change this. We give you your own Nine Martyrs. Use them to retake control and regain your power.”

“There is growing speculation regarding the origin of the attackers, whilst the Marlinist Parliament so far denying any connection to the NMLA attacks, and stating it will cooperate with security forces in any way possible. The Galactic Summit has been called off amid the attacks, and delegates are now making there way home.”

I turn the screen off, and start to collect my belongings. Very soon I was going to pick up the Libertas and head for Achenar to contribute to the evacuation effort. I think over what was in the message broadcast by this “Theta Seven”. The usual heart rending story of oppression that so many terrorists have used throughout history to justify their vile actions. Also that term again: “Nine Martyrs.” Nine people you didn't want blabbing to the authorities. Nine victims, more like. Then there was the accusation of collusion among all the superpowers to keep the Duval dynasty in power. Whilst the Federation and Alliance would be concerned about what could come from the resulting instability should Duval rule collapse, they is no love lost between either of them and the Empire. Something about all this doesn't add up at all. Archon Delaine's presence, presumably at the invite of Sirius Corporation. How key systems across the galaxy were attacked, yet the very leaders the NMLA denounced left untouched. If whoever is behind the NMLA wanted to stop the treaty being signed, they have succeeded, for now. But to what end? Sirius seems to be at the heart of all of this, and then there is the recent grabs for power in both Federation and Alliance, what with the Jupiter affair in the former and Mahon conveniently putting elections on hold because of the Summit in the latter. Now I am not saying that it's the Club, but this does sound like the very kind of sinister manoeuvrings that they are notorious for. But it's not like they will claim responsibility, after all, we all know what the first rule of the Club is...

A few minutes later and the comms chime. “Morgan here. I'm going to be off shortly, going to help with evacuating Lave Station. It's the nearest to here, and they deserved this the very least -”
“None of those people on those stations deserved this at all, end of.” I said sternly.
“Sorry, Seth, that was a tad insensitive of me. All the same, we can't be in nine places at once, and need to choose our fights carefully, and right now, alleviating the situation in Lave is what I hold the most dear. What about you, guessing you are going to help one of the Imperial stations?”
“Dawes Hub. I have a permit for Achenar, and being the very heart of the Empire it's vital that as many people are saved as possible, it's so densely populated that the potential number of causalities does not bear thinking about.”
“Okay, anyway, all the best, look after yourself, and good luck.”
“The same to you. Once it's over have a glass of Lavian brandy on me. Bradwell out.”

The present day

“...and you know all the rest. I took my Anaconda equipped with as many passenger cabins as I could and spent the next week evacuating people from Dawes Hub, getting about an hour's rest every two days. Then once the fires were under control and the situation stabilised, I started shipping medicines there by the T9 full, until I had finally managed to push myself over the edge and had my horrific accident, where thanks to the Empire's most skilled medical professionals, I have made a full recovery.” I finally finished talking to the councillor.
“Thank you, Mr. Bradwell. Having listened to what you have to say for yourself I see no reason to not approve your Pilot's Licence. However, I would recommend that you regularly return for further counselling in regards to these recent events as well as your troubled past, but this is strictly an advisory recommendation. Also I strongly recommend you stop feeling like you hold personal responsibility for events which are not within your powers to change. If possible it may be beneficial to head out to beyond civilised space for a while and forget about the problems facing humanity. Also, please severely curtail your usage of performance enhancers, if you must use them at all.”
“Thank you, you have been very helpful.” I lied. “I will definitely look at what you recommend and act accordingly.” I did at least intend to take up the advice regarding the performance enhancers, using them only in personal life-or-death situations from now on in.

I take the shuttle back up to Dawes Hub and head for the hangar, where the Edge of Sanity is now awaiting me, having put my rebuilt T9 back into deep storage. I flick though GalNet with dismay at how Sirius is now aiding and abetting Archon Delaine in order to expand its influence. Not even Colonia is free from their tentacles, I note sadly. I focus on the latest scapegoat for the NMLA's wrongdoings – Nova Imperium. I do not know that much about them but they are traditionalists through and through, yet they supposedly are aiding and abetting neo-Marlinist terrorists. Imperator Hadrian Duval claims he's been framed, and I find no reason to not believe him. Regardless for the second time in a matter of months the Federation and Empire are on the verge of open conflict. Knowing that I may be called on to fight for the Empire once more, I launch out of the station, and make several jumps in the direction of Paresa, stopping at a system with several RESes so I can get used to being back in the pilot's chair and practice my combat skills...
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