Logbook entry

Calling all Imperial pilots

07 May 2021Seth Bradwell
My fellow Imperial pilots,

Many of you have observed the events of the past few years, and particularly the past few months with horror as our once and will once be again glorious Empire has been undermined from enemies within and without. How humiliating it has felt to see billions of her citizens break off and secede from our Emperor's glory, first Nova Imperium, and then the Marlinsts, although in the case of the latter this was due to an admittedly unjust and indiscriminate backlash to the brutal and unforgivable crimes perpetuated by a small group of vile terrorists who so grossly beseech the good name of our founder, Marlin Duval (may she live eternally in our memories). Meanwhile, our old enemy, the Federation, has chosen to take advantage of our perceived weaknesses and commit further encroachments on our sovereignty, and have exacted several humiliations, in particular at LTT 1935 where a courageous Imperial force attempted to defend an investigation into NMLA activity but was outnumbered four to one by meddling Federal forces, who disgracefully forced a withdrawal which allowed the NMLA to escape justice. However the Federation's deeds would not go unpunished, and they paid a heavy price for aiding and abetting the NMLA when the so-called “Nine Martyrs” were murdered along with countless thousands of innocent civilian lives in the bombing of the Federal starport Kepler Hub, simply because these nine terrorists – yes, still terrorists who deserved to face justice, knew too much and were therefore silenced.

For a time, it seemed that the NMLA would unite the galaxy in disgust for their disdain for human lives, and it seemed that the key powers in then galaxy would join forces as a result of the Galactic Summit. However the NMLA caught everyone unawares, making it clear that anyone who isn't with them is against them, and not two months ago inflicted terrible carnage throughout the galaxy on Empire, Federation and Alliance alike, and it was proven that even unaligned systems were not safe from the NMLA's wrath, as the stories of countless lives lost in Lave will tell. Furthermore the death of the Federal Vice President at Li Qing Jao proved extremely convenient for Zachary Hudson as he could hand-pick his successor, former director of the Federal Intelligence Agency Jerome Archer, who for a long time has been a consistent thorn in the side of Imperial interests as well as the overseer of a culture of increasing surveillance and oppression of Federal citizens. Now, why should this bother us Imperials, you ask? It is clear that Hudson is no friend of the Empire, and is someone who is willing to go to war in order to bolster his popularity and consolidate his grip on power – through cynical manoeuvres whose intent will not be obvious to the average Federal citizen, who naively holds faith in the supposedly inherently “democratic” nature of the Federation and the much overhyped constitution that she is founded upon, but will be clear as a brilliant blue Achenar day to we Imperials, who are no strangers to rouge senators and greedy patrons who seek to seize power by any means available to them. Hudson is a menace to both Imperial and Federal citizen alike, and is willing to sacrifice billions of lives in order to bring the Empire to her knees. Also let us not forget about this mysterious “Club”, who have treated the galaxy's inhabitants like pawns for centuries, whose existence we only know thanks to the late former Senator Kahina Tijani Loren, also known as Salomé, who paid the ultimate price for uncovering them. Now you may still consider her a traitor, but what she exposed cannot be so readily dismissed. It may well be that through her actions, as misguided as you may consider them, she was actually attempting to save the Empire from the foolish actions of those who would so readily see its ruin. At the very least you must question how the NMLA was about to commit such grave atrocities on such a large scale within such a short frame of time, and acquire the means to carry out the caustic bomb attacks which are now their horrific trademark. You should also question the timing and targets of the latest attacks, which not only brought the Summit to an abrupt end whilst leaving the treaty unsigned, but had knock-on effects throughout the galaxy, with the leaders of the Alliance and Federation both trying to tighten their grip on power, and the Empire split and rudderless over what to do next. Indeed you should look at who has come out on top of this crisis – namely Sirius Corporation, who lest we forget are a long time beneficiary of the Club as well as many other devious conspiracies throughout galactic history, and the accursed Kumo Crew, who seek to expand their influence far beyond Pegasi to as far out as Colonia, a real slap in the face to all those veterans and the families of those who gave the lives attempting to rid the galaxy of one of the most inhumane, heinous organisations that humanity has ever known.

Now the Federation are using the chaos stirred up by the NMLA, and whoever is the real mastermind behind them, to accuse Hadrian Duval, the self-appointed “Imperator” of Nova Imperium, of being behind the NMLA, and use this as a means to justify an invasion of his realm. Whatever you may think of him, these are baseless accusations which the Federation are using to move into the Empire's backyard. For one thing, Hadrian Duval is the ideological polar opposite of the Marlinsts, a traditionalist through and through, indeed someone I consider somewhat backward and reactionary. Such a person is no friend of Marlinists, and certainly not those that commit acts of indiscriminate violence in the name of Marlinism. Also it was the NMLA, just six months ago, who made an attempt on his life, and would quite likely succeeded if it wasn't for the timely and selfless actions of our beloved Princess Aisling Duval (may all the galaxy bask in her wisdom). Through her intervention this wayward child of the Empire has come out from the cold as we face a common foe together. Whilst the Empire and Nova Imperium may have their deep and possibly irreconcilable differences, we are still the same people and should they fall, it is only a matter of time until the Federation starts drawing designs upon the Empire herself.

To you traditionalists, especially those that sympathise with Senator Zemina Torval: These are your kindred, people who share your vision of what the Empire should stand for. Nova Imperium may have gone too far but they are on your side all the same. To those that still see Nova Imperium as a threat to the Emperor's authority, those standing with Senator Denton Patreus who want to see our enemies crushed and humbled and feel that it remains just that this “Imperator” remain exiled – think how long it will be till the Feds start encroaching on the Empire proper, and think how many Imperial citizens will be angered should the Empire turn her back on those they feel a common bond with. A line must be drawn, and I ask the same of those who are steadfastly loyal to the Emperor (bask in her glory). Finally, last, but most certainly not least, to those Imperial pilots who I have the most in common: those that wish to see freedom truly reign supreme throughout the Empire, and particularly those that heed the calls of our beloved Princess Aisling. The Nova Imperium dared to defy the Empire, and though it was a bloody birth where they were nearly snuffed out at the start, they prevailed and still remain proud and free. Yet they face the might of the Federal Navy due to a bogus accusation made against their leader, a person that is held very dear by his cousin, Princess Aisling. The Federation would wage war against them based on lies, and this is certainly not the first time a power hungry tyrant has done so in humanity's history. You may not agree with Imperator Hadrian's traditionalist stance, but can your conscience allow you to let the Federation get away with such an unjust act? Yet again, I will ask, what's to stop them turning their guns on the Empire should they succeed in crushing Nova Imperium?

I call upon your all to put aside your differences, your petty squabbles and rally round to defend Hadrian Duval from Federal tyranny, to let the Federation know the Empire will not be pushed around any further, and to make them pay for their arrogant hubris. No more surrendering, no more withdrawals. The time to strike back has come.

Hail the Emperor! Bask in her glory! For the Empire!

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