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So the Federation is at it again...

03 Oct 2021Seth Bradwell
News has come in from GalNet how about how the Feds have tried to nab Yuri Grom. This news does not surprise me one bit, the whole thing was an elaborate set-up from the start, and there is nothing like eliminating a longstanding thorn in your side for boosting your fading popularity. Unfortunately for the Federation (or rather for Hudson) they botched it, and Grom remains free and obviously angry at being double-crossed. War has broken out, and the EG Union's finest have descended on Delta Pavonis, they may be small in number compared to the might of the Federal Navy but they are some of the most fearsome pilots in the galaxy, so this really has blown up in the Federation's face.

Now, I have no links at all with the EG Union, or Grom. I know one person, Anastasia Tokareva from my days in HIP 71938, who has been exiled from the EGU for various reasons I have never been able to fully ascertain, and she likes to keep very secretive about this, but she was trying to clear her name and restore her reputation. But I have not seen her for months, and even the most skilled pilot can have their luck run out at any time - it's one of the many risks of the trade. Other than that Grom has been a fairly reliable ally of the Empire, as part of the "Zyada" coalition (named after the first initials of the members of the most powerful people in the Empire plus Yuri Grom), an alliance forged by a mutual distrust of the Federation. But those that fight for the dictator tend to be fairly secretive and insular, mostly speaking a language which was very common on Old Earth but has been mostly supplanted by the Common Language for well over a millennium. As such I have not had any interests in trying to see through their opaque world, and other than a partial collapse some two years ago, they have kept to themselves in their small corner of the Bubble. But the Fednecks tried to grab him, supposedly because he's a 'traitor' according to Hudson - the real reason probably that his breakaway power proved an embarrassment to the Federation that they have been angling to rub out for years. So now there is a call to arms on both sides. Now Yuri Grom and the EG Union remain as secretive as ever, but Achenar will go supernova before I miss out on an opportunity to have a ruck with the Federation...
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