Logbook entry

I Came, I saw, I Kicked Fed Butt...

06 Oct 2021Seth Bradwell
Well that was some epic quest that's just passed. Needless to say the Federation is once again caught with its tail between its legs, and the EG Union and its mercenary allies reign supreme. It's going to take a while to go over what happened over the past few days since I was too busy in the conflict zones taking the fight to the Federation and hitting them where it really hurts. Other than the odd fanatical diehard wanting to cause trouble the Feds proved to be of limited threat, even their crack Spec Ops teams crumbled as soon as you picked off one of their team, followed soon by another. Those EG Union pilots are relentless, even in retreat the Federation was given no mercy, with every ship that failed to high wake being descended upon like a pack of angry dogs and reduced to scrap metal. And indeed no mercy was deserved to a force whose reputation for deceit and treachery now spans the whole galaxy - and don't just dismiss this as anti-Federation bias, the Federation is losing sympathisers left, right and centre - indeed Federal citizens were among the many who stood with the EG Union, disgusted as they were with the actions of their government.

Now if you excuse me, dear dairy, I have to dash, I have an engagement over in the Indomitable's bar, and I plan to get very, very drunk. I shall fill you in about what went down these past few days once I have recovered, but tonight is for celebration as the Federation suffers its greatest embarrassment yet.

P.S. In all the frenzy of the fighting I forgot to inform you of one pretty important thing that happened, though in the heat of battle I had yet to let it sink in...

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