Logbook entry

A Very Thorough Debriefing

23 Oct 2021Seth Bradwell
IISS Interrogation Room, Koishikawa Port - 20:00

"So tell us exactly what happened, from the start."

"I was doing another evacuation run from Dyson City, as I have been doing the past few days, helping with the relief effort. Only this time, a bunch of goons from the NMLA, or at least claiming to be, rushed my cockpit, and spacejacked my ship. They wanted me to dock at some fleet carrier in an uninhabited system about forty light years away. Obviously I knew they had no good intentions for myself or my passengers, so I attempted to frustrate their plans as much as I could, playing the clumsy idiot who kept veering into the exclusion zones of stars, hoping to buy some time for the authorities to track me down, and hoping enough of them would get distracted so to allow me to set off the self-destruct mechanism."


"I figured that having my charges and I cyrosleeping in 'scape pods waiting to be rescued when I was finally tracked down was preferable to having them taken to whatever fate awaited them at that carrier. But you should already know this from your meticulous examination of the black box recording."

"We would rather hear your own personal account of it, if you would be so kind? It's been a very long day for us all."

The two IISS agents, ironically the same duo who grilled me back in LTT 1935, were looking pretty dishevelled. No sooner had we arrived back at the Dyson City rescue ship then we were told to be prepared to be boarded by the IISS, who escorted the passengers off the ship and arrested the two surviving spacejackers. Anastasia and I were then approached by the two Special Branch agents, who finally gave us their names, the tall, lean man with mousey hair is called Ridley, whilst the shorter brunette with cropped hair is called Howard. Like last time, neither of them were in the mood for games as they requested that we accompany them for questioning.

"I take it you have heard Anna's version of the story?"

"Don't try to evade the question." said Ridley sharply. "Arengee," Howard muttered under her breath, "that woman is a nightmare..."

One hour earlier
Personal log of A.V. Tokeareva

"You are not being charged with anything, and once we are done you will be free to go. The quicker you cooperate, the sooner you can be on your way." the woman known as Howard said to me. "Now, tell us exactly why you came to end up being the heroine of the hour."

I yawn, deliberately expressing my boredom at the whole affair. "I really don't know why you need me to tell me what you already know -"

"Just tell us, okay?" the man called Ridley asked me indignantly.

"Fine, fine. I had heard rumours that the NMLA was going to try and pull a stunt like this, and what's more the ship they were going to target was piloted by an acquaintance of mine, who is thought of very highly by my associates, and by my incredibly misanthropic standards he's one of the closest people I have to a friend as well. So I got dispensation to go out there and foil their plans."

"Woah, hang on." said Ridley. "You are telling me that EG Union was aware of the NMLA's plans, and they didn't think to notify any Imperial authorities?"

"Well considering how this took all of you by surprise and left you with Utgaroar Millennial Egg on your face, I am assuming not."

"To the Void with your assumptions!" Both agents were getting pretty flustered. "Now could you at least give some explanation to why EG Union would not consider her closet ally, the Empire, being privy to this pretty important piece of intelligence?"

"That would be beyond my knowledge, and even if I was to know, I would be prohibited from disclosing it to you without express consent from EG Union Central Command. Maybe you should ask Yuri Grom."

That really put Ridley's hackles up. "You really think this is a big joke?!? Lives are at stake, young madam! So if you don't want to spend the next few months at Her Imperial Majesty's pleasure, I suggest you stop with the wisecracking, otherwise -"

"Calm yourself, Ridley." Howard interrupted. "That's no way to treat an esteemed guest of the Empire, especially one that has averted such a great disaster. Now, Ms. Tokareva, if you could enlighten us to how EG Union were able to become aware of plans for such a heinous attack on the Empire before we did?"

"I am just an errand-girl", I say, smirking. "But EG Union has eyes and ears everywhere, and our people have learned to only be seen when we want to be, and we disclose information on a need-to-know basis, even amongst our allies, because the fewer people that know about it, the longer it will take our enemies to realise they are compromised. That's pretty much Intelligence 101."

Ridley's face turned bright red. "Are you daring to say that Imperial intelligence is incompetent???"

"Oh no, of course not!" I reply with a hint of false reverence. "I would never dream of saying that the Empire's intelligence services are incompetent, and would certainly not point out how these services failed to prevent not one, but two attempts on Hadrian Duval's life, and most definitely not mention that they have now allowed several waves of corrosive bomb attacks on stations across the Empire and indeed the wider galaxy - I am guessing that Dyson City was the third such, am I right? Then there's the killing of Harold Duval which started this all..."

"Enough!" Ridley shouted angrily. "We don't appreciate the history lesson from an outsider. Now, pretty please, why didn't EG Union feel obliged to tell us about the spacejacking plot?"

"I am afraid you really will have to seek that answer out through the proper diplomatic channels. But needless to say just because we are close allies of the Empire does not mean we will just roll over and accept every demand she makes of us. We are a proud, independent people, and you cross us at your peril. The Federation learned the hard way what happens when you try and force us to our knees, pray that the Empire is not thinking of making the same mistake."

"We are getting nowhere with this." said Howard impatiently. "Now, to the matter at hand, the spacejacking itself..."

The present time
Log of Seth Bradwell

"After three incidents of me getting too close to a star 'accidentally on purpose', one of the goons informs the leader that he had lost contact with one of them. So one of them left to investigate, and I was ordered to stay put. Then he didn't return, so the final mook also left to investigate, and they had taken their eyes off me for long enough to have the self-destruct primed and ready to go, and I positioned myself that even if I was shot dead my slumping body would still trigger it. That was meant to be my ace in the hole, so I order the leader to drop his weapon or the ship blows up. Unfortunately he informs me that they have salvage crews waiting to scoop us all up - bearing in mind the next jump was their fleet carrier, and once they were done with me I would be begging for death - but they would be content to turn me into the Federal authorities if I stood back and did what I was told. I could not be sure he was bluffing so awaited another opportunity to turn the tables, although in the moment after my esteemed friend and comrade from the EG Union turned them for me."

"Ah yes, the illustrious Anastasia Tokareva, such a charming woman." said Ridley through gritted teeth. "Is that really all there is?"

"After Anastasia had neutralised the leader, we set course back to Paresa, and then you met us on the rescue ship."

"How disappointing. Looks like we have reached a dead end here." said Ridley quietly, trying to conceal his anger.

"Wait." said Howard. "Did you say they were going to turn you over to the Feds?"

"That is what they said, not that I believed them. Apparently their "merciful" option was to have me spend the next ten years breaking rocks in Ross 128, where I would not be able to interfere with their plans."

"Do you have any criminal record with the Federation, other than the usual shenanigans that a pilot of your calibre carries out?"

"Not really. Had the odd bounty here and there but usually get some shady people in some obscure Anarchy system to go and rub out the records for a mark up of a quarter of the bounty."

"Hang on," Ridley said, suddenly energised. "Didn't you fight with EG Union earlier this month?"

"Well, yes, but that was a personal thing, and any pilot regardless of citizenship can serve in the auxiliaries of any faction, regardless of what superpower they are affiliated to if any. I just saw a chance to give the Fednecks a bloody nose and went for it. They are very close allies of the Empire anyway..."

"Yes, yes, I know. But EG Union, as you should well be aware, are a breakaway faction from the Federation, and that biowaste-filled toad of a man Hudson has never forgiven them for it. Also you wear your contempt for our oldest rivals on your sleeve, as our records show. Whilst this doesn't mean you are wanted by the Feds per se, it does mean that your background provides enough for someone to have you charged with some pretty grave crimes on some trumped up evidence, and given the state of justice in the Federation these days, all would take would be for you to fall into the hands of the wrong person. Now think, Bradwell, did you notice anything else about these spacejackers? What about their accents?"

"Well they didn't sound like Imperials, for starters. Nor Pegasi either, so they probably weren't Kumo Crew even if they said they were planning to sell the passengers as slaves to them. Although... yes, the leader did have a faint Federal twang, like he was brought up in an independent world but picked it up after years in the Federation."

Howard sighed. "That could be billions of people then, but its as good a lead as we have got - hang on, what's this about the Kumo Crew?"

"They said that the passengers were heading on a "one way trip to Pegasi", and if I didn't obey them I was likely to end up on that slaver ship too."

"And you only just now chose to nonchalantly disclose that nugget of evidence?" snarled Ridley.

"I despise the Kumo Crew, you should have on record what happened when I was 15, so I have all the reason to. But I sincerely doubt that whoever the slaver in Pegasi those passengers were intended for would ever be aware of their origin, and whilst elements of the Kumos would have no qualms with working with the NMLA - they don't care as long as it involves credits and human misery, I strongly doubt that Archon Delaine himself would have sanctioned it. He is ruthless but not reckless. Why would he risk having the whole galaxy unite against him by associating with the NMLA?"

"Well none of us can find out if we aren't aware of it in the first place." said Howard. "This is one fascinating twist, Mr. Bradwell. It's taken a long while but we have finally got some pieces of the puzzle together at long last. I do believe we can now call it a night. You are free to go about your business, and the IISS apologise for the inconvenience that this has caused."


The Emperor Hennick Inn, Koishikawa Port - 22:00

"They weren't too harsh, I take it?" I ask Anastasia, taking a swig of my second Achenar Blue of the evening.

"They were as threatening as day-old Euryalean hamsters, my dear comrade. Seriously, I fear for the future of this Empire of yours when that's the calibre of person you have to work in your most crack security agency."

"Don't say that too loud. The IISS can be very brutal when it chooses to be. Also this place is probably bugged."

"Goes without saying. Don't trust anyone, that's how I live and survive."

"Likewise, Anna. It's strange though. How did they manage to overrun my cockpit even though I have the most up to date, Pilot's Fed approved security systems?"

"The same way they nearly managed to assassinate Hadrian Duval for the second time within a year. They are ingenious, and they know their way around standard security protocols, I wouldn't be surprised if there are people on the inside helping them out by providing key data and weaknesses to exploit. No one is safe from them."

"That's a very sobering thought." I say sadly. "Meanwhile none of the galaxy's intelligence services are able to make a dent in their plans, well, apart from EG Union's, yet we don't even know if what happened today was officially sanctioned by the NMLA. Those goons seemed a bit too amateur, and even if there is a connection with Pegasi doesn't mean that the Kumo Crew are necessarily involved. Something doesn't add up."

"The NMLA doesn't have a formal structure, remember. Isolated cells, that's how they operate, and they can work independently of any leadership, be it this "Theta Seven" or whoever. So what happened today is as much the work of the NMLA as the assassinations and the corrosive bombs."

"In that case, anyone can claim to be the NMLA."

Anastasia nodded. "It's been the modus operandi of terrorists, or freedom fighters, depending on your view throughout human history. People willing to act on an idea, committed to the propaganda of the deed."

"Needless to say I want to squash them before they can harm anyone else. I hate this, there's no precise location for them, no tangible base or forces one can engage in open warfare. I hate all this sneaking about, I like my enemies to fight me in open combat, that's the honourable way. Give me a war where I know where my enemy is and where to fight him and I'll sign up."

"Welcome to the 34th century. All you can do is keep on doing what you can."

"Well I am sick of picking up the pieces. After all this is over I am going to make some more enhancements to the Edge of Sanity, and then work on making the Libertas a combat vessel which will make all pirates and terrorists tremble in fear."

"I have to return to Euryale soon, but at the next opportunity I will relish fighting alongside you in the Cossack like at Delta Pavonis. Still can't believe the nerve of those Fednecks..."

"Who might possibly be harbouring the NMLA masterminds themselves. Should that be proven beyond reasonable doubt Hudson will not know what will hit him as he contends with the full wrath of the Empire."

"If only it was that simple. By the way, is your ship still impounded?"

"It's a crime scene, Anna. So they are going over the whole ship and turning her inside out. I at least don't envy the IISS investigator who has to go through all those cabins, they have had hundreds of the sick and wounded pass through them and all of them are in desperate need of a deep clean. No matter, I have heard the Dyson City is now stabilised, so it's going to be repair runs in the T9 for now until the station is fully up and running once again."

"That's not my forte, Seth, indeed I admire those who can drag those lumbering bricks from place to place, slowly and painfully moving from one system to the next."

"I am tempted to trade her in for a Cutter, especially since I have finally made Duke. On paper a Cutter is faster in normal space, more manoeuvrable, has greater range when empty, but once shields are factored in they hold just slightly less cargo. Also I am pained to part with the old girl even when I grimace at how long it takes to get manoeuvre anywhere, and am longing for my Python."

"I know which ship I would fly."

"Sure. And station repairs plus relief efforts in times of famine and outbreaks are the only times I really do trading these days. However for now engineering up another ship will have to wait till the repair work is done, and I have bigger priorities in that department. Anyway, I think it's time for me to turn in, so I bid thee goodnight. Probably will the be last I see of you for a while, unless you fancy riding shotgun in the Hercules?"

"I hate unarmed ships, and I certainly loathe ships that can barely fight back even if they were armed. Thank you but nyet, tovarish. I may ask to see if I can bring my Cossack over if you fancy someone popping those pirate hulls, but I still have to re-earn EG Union's trust."

"Don't worry about it. Most of the pirates there are just a nuisance, although that is amplified by the limitations of the T9. You have done enough right now. I'll definitely make that visit to Euryale soon."

The pilot's cabin of the Hercules - 01:00
I am not used to the spartan surroundings of this place. The Libertas' stateroom was only slightly more lavishly furnished but I then usually spend my times in rented quarters on station unless I am participating in a war campaign or am overnighting away from my home station. Stellar Forge, I haven't even got any Lavian brandy here, although Anastasia kindly gave me a bottle of Euryale Standard vodka "with the complements from EG Union after my dedication to the cause at Delta Pavonis". Must admit it's an acquired taste, but it will do for now. The IISS says they will be done investigating by around 13:00 and will release the Libertas to me then, but that is moot cause the station is now stabilised so all the urgent evacuation missions have ceased, meaning that repair runs are in full swing. So here I am ready to get going on the morrow, but before I turn in, I compose a short message to two friends I briefly met in passing back during the Kepler Orbital evacuation run, both of which were deeply concerned by what happened, and have been spurred on to fight the NMLA wherever they raise their ugly heads:

To: CMDR Cayce Luther, CMDR Phoenix Sonne
Subject: I am all right, and thanks

Thank you for your messages of solidarity after what has been a very turbulent day. I just got back after being grilled by the IISS - don't worry, I am not in any trouble that I wasn't in already. They wanted to know the ins and outs of what happened so they can piece together the how and why - well, I somehow doubt they will be able to do anything that hasn't already been done before. I admire how you want to take the fight straight to the NMLA, and if I see an opportunity to help out I will not hesitate to do so, I have personally been at war with the NMLA since last year, as a one time card-carrying Marlinist myself (who still remains sympathetic to Marlin's teachings) I hate how these bastards have tarnished the name of Marlin Duval. Dyson City seems to be over the worst now so I am going to focus on supply runs to get the station fully up and running again, after that I am going to engineer up both my Python, the Edge of Sanity, and the Libertas to become the kind of indomitable vessels that will strike fear into the hearts of NMLA scum wherever they go.

Fly dangerously o7


OOC: Thanks to both Cayce Luther and Phoenix Sonne for their amazing response to my previous story, and I am really chuffed that it has in turn provided inspiration for their own logs. See you both in the black o7
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