Logbook entry

What in the Void?!?

28 Nov 2021Seth Bradwell
Something very strange is happening in Mudhird. For the past two days I have been heavily involved in the fight to capture Theta Seven (dead or alive) and smash the NMLA once and for all, and to date we are winning. Yet something happened in the conflict zone which made me feel very lucky to escape with my skin. I was about to join in the battle when the space around me seemed to distort and everything on my ship completely shut down. I had no choice but to strap in tight and hope the automatic reboot sequence would kick in. Thankfully it did, so I resumed my course only for it to happen again. After rebooting again I realised I needed to get out of here, and eventually was able to low wake after being my ship suddenly shutdown again. After finally escaping the initial danger zone I jumped out of Mudhird as quickly as I could, and docked at an outpost in a nearby system until light could be shed on what exactly was going on. I know of only one thing capable of causing that effect - a Thargoid shutdown field. And it's the Far God cult's megaship that the NMLA have spacejacked too. I don't know what's gone on, maybe the NMLA have managed to acquire some new weapon which creates the same effects as the Thargoid shutdown field, which would be extremely bad for the whole galaxy. The other hypothesis, which is just as terrible, is that the Thargoids have arrived and are preparing to attack Payne-Scott City - which is why I have moved safely away from the system. For now I am laying low until I know more about what I am up against, I have nothing that is effective against fighting Thargoids, so if they are coming that's me out of the fight, but if the NMLA have some kind of shutdown field generator hopefully the shutdown field neutralisers will be as effective against them as they are against the original version. But something is spooking me about the whole thing, the NMLA use corrosive bombs which have the same horrific effects as a Thargoid attack, and now they seem to have their hands on more Thargoid technology. They say the Far God ship was spacejacked, but what if the NMLA and Far God cult are actually in cahoots with each other? Whatever the case, the NMLA will pay for every drop of blood they have shed, and my fight with them is not over. But for now, I am going to lay low, keep calm, and find out what's going on so I can prepare myself for it.

Update: I have just been informed courtesy of a more knowledgeable pilot in dealing with Thargoids that dropping Thargoid probes and activating the discovery scanner creates a shutdown field effect. So that mystery has been solved, I am guessing the NMLA have stole them from the Far God cult, stands to reason that they won't go quietly. I need to be extra cautious it seems when fighting in the conflict zones, just another hazard that comes with the job. Now to get back to work...

OOC: Shout out to CMDR Sakashiro for informing me of what's going on, happy to know this is more likely to be the work of some glorified ganker than a rather unpleasant twist to the story introduced by Frontier to allow Theta Seven and the NMLA to escape to fight another day.
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