Piracy: Murder or Theft?
07 Apr 2018SilverSilhouettes
In the world of Elite Dangerous there exists many a taboo way of doing things, much like in most other games. However, the most controversial of these methods is without a doubt Piracy. Piracy, by definition, is the practice of attacking, and robbing ships. A proper pirate will not murder their catch, that is the job of a psychopath. A psychopath kills indiscriminately, a pirate just wants your stuff to make a profit. Therefore, proper piracy is the act of theft, not murder. Individuals claiming to be pirates that simply interdict and open fire and destroy their target indiscriminately should call themselves by what they are; psychopaths, as the definition is as follows: a person suffering from chronic mental disorder with abnormal or violent social behavior. So, if you do this, please, call yourself as you are acting, and stop giving us good pirates a bad name. CMDR Ag47Silhouettes, Pirate Lord of the Black Void Syndicate, signing off.