Logbook entry

The Second Labor

05 Sep 2018Eric Grey
Commander's Log
CMDR Eric Grey
September 5th, 3304

This is my first log since being licensed by the Pilot's Federation for solo flight into the black. Many months have past since first powering up my loaned personal Sidewinder at Trevithick Dock in LHS 3447 and began my career as an independent pilot. So much has changed since then.

I remember making haste towards the Old Worlds almost immediately upon undocking to seek out employment opportunities, make a name for myself. While far from the economic powerhouse they used to be, there was plenty of work to be found as a solo pilot and I made good credits. I got out of that Sidewinder and into a Cobra as fast as I could. A bigger, better ship meant bigger, better work. I settled down in Lave, Lave Station in particular where Jameson himself used to port. It was here I would call my home for a long time and slowly, I built a fleet of capable ships through whatever work I could find, even took the twenty two thousand light year trip to Colonia and back once.

It was here in Lave that I would first learn of the Thargoids. An alien race trying to annihilate humanity. I was pretty passive at first, if only a little curious. Though the more I learned about them and about their intentions, the less I could stand by and sit on the sidelines while our enemy was out there actively invading the bubble of safe human space. Soon after, I would take the fight straight to them.

I outfitted a ship with Aegis weaponry, a proper Anti Xeno assault spacecraft. Missiles and multicannons. I immediately left with this new equipped vessel. Destination: the Pleiades Nebula. A place out in the black a few hundred light years out of the bubble and Thargoid activity hot spot. If you wanted to make contact of some sort with them, this is where you came.

I'd be lying if I said my early attempts at attacking their interceptors went well. AX outfitting or not it went pretty poorly. Set back after set back, fighting these things sure proved to be an incredible challenge. I would never cease, never let the failure put me off. Like all things, practice makes perfect. I analyzed their tactics, their agility, their capabilities. Soon after I proved myself and had scored my first kill. I was officially an AX pilot. This became my purpose, my calling. Constantly deploying to defend anyone who found themselves in a tough spot with the them, or to train new groups of promising potential AX pilots. And, of course, make some profit along the way.

I have an entire fleet of AX capable ships these days in the Pleiades Nebula and I call home a small system named Narvert on the outskirts of the bubble, conveniently not too far out from Thargoid space either. A Commander named Kyle Donovan and his Errantry Alliance stationed there have taken me in. Even made me one of their AX Patrol Leaders for dealing with nonhuman related activity around the area. It's a good group of people here. Always helping those in need and each other.

I've made many life long friends here. Friends I will never forget.


Why a log today? Why wait so long when one was never written before? Well, to be honest it's because I'm not certain I will ever be able to write anything again after this date and if I don't return, the galaxy should know of what's to come. So, better late then never I suppose.

And that brings us to the Gnosis. A megaship owned by the Canonn Research Group is currently orbiting a planet in Outotz ST-I d9-4. It's objective is to deploy into a permit locked region of space deep inside the Cone Nebula. A area isolated from the outside. The only way inside or out of is through the Gnosis' long range jump capability. The systems contained within are rumored to be flooded with Thargoid. A high concentration of a new variant of interceptor called Hydra lie in wait. A threat like we have never faced before, yet the Gnosis is prepared to press forward regardless.

A large group of of Anti Xeno pilots have assembled on site at the Gnosis for an operation called the Second Labor, ready to make the jump into the unknown. I am one of those pilots. This time in a Corvette I call "Spirit of Fire" and geared up with the latest in Human and Guardian hybrid technology including four extremely powerful Gauss Cannons, making it the most formidable ship I have ever deployed into battle against the alien bastards. They want a war, I intend to deliver them a warship.

I don't know what's going to happen after today. After the Gnosis makes it's scheduled jump into the Cone Nebula sector. We deploy our first wave shortly after we arrive, to take the fight to them. There are those who call this a straight suicide mission. Perhaps they are right. Perhaps we won't make it back and this entire effort will be for naught. Or perhaps not. The truth is we just don't know. But, I will die trying and I will take one of them with me. This is our stand and we will not be defeated.

Exitus Acta Probat.

This is Commander Eric Grey, signing off.
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