Logbook entry

The Lernaean Seeker

06 Sep 2018Eric Grey
Commander's Log
CMDR Eric Grey
September 6th, 3304

The Gnosis is stranded...

Hyperdicted by Thargoids and torn out of right out of Frame Shift. Several of the Gnosis' internal systems were severely damaged by the sudden and abrupt stop, one of which is the FSD itself. We'll be stuck here for a while from what it seems. Didn't even make it that far. Only about twelve and a half light years from our previous location. Now orbiting the eight planet planet in this system out in the middle of, well... Nowhere, I supoose. And that's not even the worst part of the news...

Thargoid Interceptors were deployed soon after the hyperdiction event took place. I myself personally witnesses these ferocious attacks that followed on the Gnosis and several Commanders' ships. I had only just undocked the Spirit of Fire to survey the damages to the Gnosis and perhaps scope out the system itself, see where we were exactly, when all of the Corvette's COVAS alerts started going off:


She said again... and again... and again...

Multiple Interceptors dropped right in on our location and started to torch everything. Set it all alite. It was the first large scale assault on human kind from the Thargoids that I had ever witnessed. So many tried to run... Some tried to fight them off so others could make a quick escape... So many ships were lost... So many lives were lost... I myself barely made it out alive... Their assault, relentless and unyielding. The newly identified Hydra Interceptors made an appearance here as well, rearing their ugly heads.

Itching for vengeance and eager to take on this new threat, it would not take long for AX pilots that were stationed on the Gnosis such as myself to mobilize and organize a counter offensive against these new Interceptor variants. We found out quickly just how strong they are. Significantly more formidable then any of the variants I have fought in my career and posed a considerable challenge.

Our first few assaults were what I'd like to call successful failures. A failure in that we were not able to avenge the fallen and the attack on the Gnosis by scoring a confirmed kill of a Hydra. But, a success in that we these first few assaults were primarily analytical. Find out the Hydra's capabilities, it's agility, it's attack speed, it's flight pattern, etc. Then utilize this information to make an effective strike against them.

And strike we did. Strike hard. The Lernaean Seekers they started to call us.

It was not long after that the first Hydra was felled. And soon after more were swiftly dispatched of and destroyed. One by one they started to go down. We know how to take them down now. We have a plan, advanced tactics and strategy to deploy in our defense. Some of us have modified our loadouts so that we may be more efficient in combat against them. The Spirit of Fire thus far has served me well on these sorties. I only needed to make minimal adjustments and tweaks to her. Hard to believe that this was the AX shakedown cruise for this ship. One hell of a way to put her through her paces that's for sure.

As I write this log entry, the battle outside the Gnosis rages on. Thargoid Scouts seem to be the most persistent, regularly waking in and wreaking havoc around the perimeter. Hoping to catch a a Commander on his or her way out of the area. Sometimes Interceptors themselves still show up. And we will still keep on fighting them off. It's going to be some time for the Gnosis to become operational again, so there's much work to be done and many, many more alien bastards to clear out. Time to get back out there and and rejoin my allies. See you in the black.

The is Commander Eric Grey finishing this fight...
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