CMND Log 015: Eurybia
24 Aug 2018Switch Killington
It's been about a week since I've met Molly. I've spent the last few days in Kim.... Kimici? Whatever that system was, all the names start blurring together after a while. They had an open contract on their kill-list so I took Molly's Stockings on patrol in their Rez sites. I'm going very slow in kitting her out, experimenting with part effectiveness before doubling down on getting large modules, so for now I've got Cargo holds taking up her 7 slots, with the exception of my shield generator of course.I think I have the shields down. Heavy Prismatics with resistance oriented boosters. I might adjust the resistances at a later date, but I'm very happy with the shield survivability so far. I tanked a Deadly ranked Conda's heavy weapons for about a minute (which was a mistake. I had a duo of pirates winged approach me and scan. I scanned the Vulture, saw it was in a wing of two, and saw its Asp Explorer buddy next to him plain as day, didn't even blink at it. Turns out that was an Anaconda just really far away) I just picked up some shield cells now, going to see how that feels.
I love having fighters but splitting the money and experience is a tough pill to swallow. I think I'll hire pilots per mission going forward, as needed. I'd rather pay for an Expert and keep them for a short term contract than try leveling one up, paying a cut of everything I do to them. I don't need a fighter con for one on one hunting, larger scale multi-target is a different story, and 10% of a cut is nothing when we do 20% more business. I downgraded the hanger, I thought it excessive to have two fighter hangers and one pilot. The Imperial Fighter was by far the best ship in that role, but I'm testing out the Taipan just to say I did. Rumors say its crap, but I don't mind seeing for myself.
Need to find some time or a Raw trader to get the odds and ends I lack for engineering my Pack Hounds. Other than that, my Incendiary/corrosive multi-cannons load out is doing splendidly.
Next big expense is armor. I'm focusing on being a shield tank, as that affords me more slots for modules. Ultimately I want Molly's Stockings to be a multi-role combat ship, being able to switch from warzones to bounty hunting to pirating with minimal outfitting. That being said, it's no good to be flying around in the off-the-rack lightweight armor. Currently though, knowing my armor is weak puts more emphasis on me managing my shields, since I know once they are down I'm done for. It will help me appreciate the armor later.
Now I'm heading to the current warzone in Betel. I don't really have a dog in the race, so I'll probably play for both sides and make a nice stack of creds while putting Molly through the paces.