Half-way to Sagitarrius A*
23 May 2022Jack Borson
Well, the Whiskers made it to Synookio FQ-P d5-90 before I did. Good to see it out in the black, though. Got to refill the heat sink I accidentally used on the last launch, and sell the cartographic data I had. Finding a lot more Earth Likes this trip than I remember from prior trips; the nav-comp is saying most of them are undiscovered too, which is nice.Landed a few times for genomic sampling; getting better at it without shields. Still being very picky as to what planets I'm opting to land on of course. Doubt it's going to amount to much extra credits, but we'll see if Explorer's Anchorage even allows me to cash it in.
Did swing past an experimental biosphere Megaship that's way out here. Odd to see, but I heard it was out here before heading out. Got it's travel schedule; not much else going on it with. Not even certain if it was crewed, or if it's just robotic with the occasional human coming out to check on it.
Did meet up with Skye two days ago; looks like their Cobra is holding up decent. Two more weeks until we hit the center!