SagA* and beyond
04 Jun 2022Jack Borson
The Albatross D.ii made it to SagA* with barely a scratch. Made good enough time I was able to dock at the Whiskers and switch over to the Draupnir II and get about 150T of Tritium refined to help with the voyage.Made about 20M off of genomics, but most of that was first discovery bonuses. Being very selective of where I'm landing to try, and will have to be even more careful here on out; nothing between us and the edge of the galaxy until Beagle, if DSSA is still up to date.
Was able to meet a few of the other Beagle Madness participants orbiting SagA* before our jump off. Nice pictures all around of the Vulture, Hauler, and Imperial Courier waiting to continue on.