Logbook entry

Entry #01 - "Dear diary..."

22 Sep 2019Worlock77

Been out in the Void for a month or so now. Finally decided to start this journal, in part to stave off boredom. Not sure where I'm ultimately headed, but I figure I'll stay out seeing what I can see, discovering what I can discover, until I grow tired of it and head back to the Bubble. At the moment I'm sitting at Caravanserai, in the Gandharvi system. Resting a bit, restocking and getting some maintenance done on the Icarus.

While docked here yesterday I got a message from the Pilot's Federation. I've been promoted to Elite rank, with all privileges and benefits that includes (basically bragging rights and the entitlement to eventually spend my golden years in Shinrarta Dezhra, idling my days away on a golf course on the Founders World). I'm certainly no combat ace, nor a tycoon of commerce. They awarded me the rank based on my accomplishments as an explorer, which is a bit funny, as I've barely been outside the Inner Orion Spur or the Inner Scutum-Centaurus Arm. But within those regions there are a lot of systems tagged with my name now.

Well, the Icarus should be about ready, so I'm going to go check on her then make final preparations to head out again. I might head to Colonia for a bit. Surprisingly, I've never been there.

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