Logbook entry

Just 80 more jumps

24 May 2019Henckes
I'm at probably my last day of exploration before I reach Beagle Point, I'm shooting off my engines for now for a little rest before get going to the far point of the Milk Way. I have to confess, I'm a little exited to it, first time going to the even knowing that it won't be the most beautiful or most amazing thing in this galaxy but it will proof once more that the humanity can make things that once was considered impossibles.

As I have said before, I'm a little rushed to there so my exploration data it's a little awful, just a few gas giants that I have found out there. But I'm swearing to myself that I'm going to do a great journey of exploration on my way to Colonia, so I'm not expecting to see another human out there, maybe I found another alien race to take away this loneliness that is surrounding me since I left Luna's Shadow. Let's cross the fingers to make this happen and this time find a race that will join us to make this Galaxy a better place.

Fly Safe CMDRs o7
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