Logbook entry

12 December 3301--Galactic Time 14:31@ Stefanyshyn-Piper Port

12 Dec 2015Rosomond
Yesterday, I finally achieved what I had set out to do when I joined the Federation: I earned my Sol system pass. I felt intense emotion when I dropped out of Hyperdrive and found myself face to face with the sun that the originators of our species studied. How far we have come. The Farragut class cruiser orbiting Earth holds a special place in my heart. After researching my lineage, I discovered that my ancestors lived in a town in the state of Tennessee called Farragut. I am very protective of the Sol system. I vow to keep the peace there in any way that I can.

In the meantime, I received a tip from Commander Dami Valorton of a cluster of isolated independent star systems approximately 500 Ly away from my current location. These systems, due to their extreme distance from populated space, offers very high credit rewards for cargo runs. Just yesterday I made 5 million credits from only two runs. Commander Valorton and I have a relationship characterized by serendipity and charity. I met Valorton in Xelebara during a pirate hunting Community Goal. He and I were both piloting ASPs of the same paint job. I hailed the ship and said that I liked his ship and he said he liked mine as well. We shared our progress on the community goal. I was in the top 5% of commanders at the time and he wanted to know what my secret was. Because I believe that all pilots regardless of political affiliation should stick together, I revealed my tactics. Valorton was so diligent in his following of my tip that I was knocked out of the top 5% but I am glad it was by a new friend. I hope to contact him during this day cycle to update him of my progress.
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