Logbook entry

12 December 3301--Galactic Time 20:44 @ Sirius Reach

12 Dec 2015Rosomond
I was advised by the Pilot's Federation as well as the medical android to not fly for a few days after having my tonsils removed. Quite frankly, I was prepared to ignore this advice even before the operation had occurred. I think the oxygen environment of The Clark is promoting the regeneration of cells. The only concern I really have is the pain blockers they have me on. I am more sensitive to the G fluctuations in my ship and I have to close my eyes when my ship docks itself otherwise I become nauseous. I will power through it. A tonsillectomy is so rare in these times I was surprised they still used primitive incision techniques of the 21st century. We can travel faster than light but we are still susceptible to illness.
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