Logbook entry

18 December 3301--Galactic Time 21:18 [LOCATION REDACTED]

18 Dec 2015Rosomond
I need to be alone.
I must find my solitude.

I had planned on going to Dahan and continue my usual bounty hunting but there is something in my soul that is stopping me. The killing is not the problem. When I say that it makes me sound like a cold monster but I only end the lives of those who have also ended lives in an unjust manner.

I went exploring one day.
I found beautiful star systems.
Class II gas giants of a deep cerulean hue.
A brown dwarf star with its own rings.
A system with ninety-six planetary bodies.
I have not been granted clearance to explore planetary surfaces yet and I do not anticipate getting such clearance until the third or fourth month of the coming year. The wait is excruciating. I actually began as a cartographer. I wanted to explore our galaxy. This technology that we now have is truly astounding and the thought of reaching the farthest corners of space is no longer fantasy. It is my goal to one day travel to the center of the galaxy. That will be my Mount Everest.
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