Logbook entry

33051014: Beagle Run 9

14 Oct 2019StormySan

A clear run of neutrons has taken me flying through Izanami and Odin's Hold so quickly that I barely realised how far I'd come before the lights of Jaque's Station were in front of me. WIth some 150kly behind me since I last docked up and had some R&R, it couldn't have come soon enough.

And yet, less than a full day after arriving, I've climbed back into the command chair and am pushing back out into the void again.

I've not felt rushed or that I have a schedule to stick to whatsoever with this journey, and that has been the right way to go about it for me. But now I'm back in somewhat more familiar territory... I find myself wanting to get back home and enjoy some creature comforts for awhiles.

My AFMU is fully stocked and there's a clear run along the Highway back to the Bubble, so I think it's time to head back.

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