Logbook entry

Prison Log, Star date 30.0418

Its the nights in solitairy that are the worst, here at Iron Claw Prison

The silent rumble of the stations reactors and the clanging sounds of the hull when I place my head down on the steel pillow of my cell.

I regret nothing, i bide my time, i prepare my next move.

The guards beat me till I thought I die, probably because of the Empire tattoo on my shoulder.
Damn feds, typical brutes

I regret nothing, i bide my time, i prepare my next move.

The food is shit and somehow they have even made distilled water taste like shit
But I will not give in

I regret nothing, i bide my time, i prepare my next move.

There are some waiting for me on the outside, deals that I still need to make.
And when the warden finally came around to tell me I was out, I swear he looked disapointed that I didnt hang myself

I regret nothing, i bide my time, i prepare my next move.

What a fool he is, thinking solitariy would have an effect. I do deep space exploration for a living!
I spent more time alone than with others in the last couple of years, what is another portion of my life alone?

I regret nothing, i bide my time, i prepare my next move.

The red dwarf of a Sun gives the whole complex an eery glow in the few places with windows, as I clamber aboard my Diamonback I give a cheeky wink at one of the female guards, with some luck I will never see them again.

I regret nothing, i bide my time, i make my next move
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