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Well, after having a couple of Sidewinders shot out from under me I think I may be getting the hang of these ships now. I'm still getting use to the way these controls work. I still can't remember much about my past but I can tell you that I much prefer the twin-stick controls of my old ship instead of the stick/throttle combinations you have around here. I just have vague impressions of the thrill of instant 180 yaws when the guy on my tail thought he was about to win. Oh well, maybe the Feds will let me have my ship back someday.

I'm not going to hold my breathe though. I've been told that I need to be careful around the Feds, especially the military. It seems they would very much like to speak with the pilot of the strange craft they found so that they can understand some of the systems they seem to be having trouble with. I hate to break it to them but it doesn't seem like I'll be all that helpful anyway unless I can get some memories back.

In the meantime I'm just laying low and banking some cred anyway I can until something clicks. Please forgive me, dear reader, if I throw an “inaccurate” location out there from time to time. Just moving around to keep the dogs off the scent you understand.

I'm not looking for trouble, I'm just looking for home...
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︎4 Shiny!
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