Logbook entry

Idiots Fly Too

Another close call today. All I wanted to do was hang back, collect a few bountys, and lay low in Arpha for a few days. Things were getting pretty hot and I had just K-scanned a sweet Python when the Feds opened up on her with everything.

I was looking at about a half-mil on that one ship and I had the perfect sight picture on his engine deck.

Just when I squeezed the trigger some Barney Bonehead comes screaming out of nowhere trying to get in on the action. The trouble is he got nailed with a salvo of my pulse lasers right in sight of 3 Feds.

Mister clean-cut cost me almost a mil in vouchers and equipment, plus a day at Mercy's Hammer. Fortunately for me they process folks quickly there so I was out and was gone before the "Men in Black" came snooping around.

Another system wasted. Oh well, there are plenty more between here and Mobia. A friend from the expedition that rescued me put me in contact with a faction there and said they could probably help me find some answers if can get out of federation space. I'm getting there slowly but surely and, I have to take the long way around to avoid attracting too much attention.

For now I think I found another decent money maker that should put me over the hump for another ship upgrade - if the flying idiot squad will stay out of my way...
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︎3 Shiny!
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