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Looking for Big Answers in a Huge Galaxy

While bounty hunting offers the thrill of combat and some pretty decent coin, it can wear a guy down after a while if he's not driven by the need to blow ships apart, and the people inside them. Don't get me wrong - they had it coming, and any one of them that would not throttle back and come in peacefully got the only other alternative - a face-full of laser...

 To me, bounty hunting is like delivering pizzas to get through school: it's always there for you if you need it, but it's not something you want to do for the rest of your life (Unless of course you love combat. Then go for it...).

 That's exactly what the Vulture was for. Yea, it's overkill for most BH missions but I like thick margins. Especially when there's no such thing as leaving it on the side of the road and walking home.

 Taking on survey missions in my DBX is much more lucrative, quite a bit safer, and it gives me a chance to poke around and see if I can find out what happened to my original ship. No, not the sidewinder I got from the Pilot's Federation - the one I was found in by that expedition so long ago. The one that the Feds have squirreled away somewhere.

 The one that may hold the answers I need.

 Sure, they're probably going through the systems with a fine toothed comb looking for ways to using the technology against the Thargoids maybe (If those even exist - I'm not quite convinced yet.). I sure hope they know what they're doing. You know how government types tend to be...
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