Logbook entry

Pilgrim's Progress Begins


That's the first thing I thought when I stepped off the elevator to see brand new Asp Explorer. I would be piloting her on the Pilgrim's Progress solo expedition. A dock worker unceremoniously handed me the transponder chip, muttered something about, "She's all yours..." and walked away. I stared at the chip for a moment. On the little black card was inscribed, "03-ASX Pilgrim-5."

Pilgrim-4 - the DBX that had served me so faithfully was unceremoniously blown out from under me by a group of pirates that had nothing better to do except fly around and send out fake distress calls. Lesson learned - if you're in trouble and can't send a transponder ping - you're on you're own.

The flight computer recorded the vessel as destroyed but the Navy managed to get me back to port and the mechanics at a Li Yong-Rui owned shop actually worked miracle in getting it back together.

But alas, for where I'm going, I will need a little more ship so I pulled the trigger and upgraded.

We all see countless Asp-X ships every day. Even the tactical ice paint isn't all that new, nor is it fancy but, I've never been much for fancy. Getting me out of a bad scrape 10,000 light years from home is what I want.

There's nothing fancy about P5. Just an Asp-X with and engineered FSD, a spare fuel tank, and everything I need to spend the next 4 months in uncharted space. Well, almost everything...

So there you go. No drama. No hidden agendas or meanings. No plots and such. Just me and the black - face to face. Get my name on a few high-value worlds and get back in time for DW2.

It's shaping up to be a long, quite, lonely ride. Then again, you never know what's out there, and that's why I do it.

Light Speed Commanders! o7

Roober the Stroober | Commanding Officer | 03-ASX "Pilgrim-5"
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