Cmdr Tredwell
Explorer / Enforcer
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Federal Corvette TR-09F
Overall assets
G.O.M. Collective

Logbook entry

Distant World II, Journey to Waypoint 2

28 Feb 2019Tredwell
I've taken the plunge and after improving the jump range of Rebecca, my Krait Phantom, to a jump range of 46.49ly Unladen, I launch my ship on the journey to Omega Sector VE-Q b5-15, Way Point 2.

I'm a little daunted by the number of jumps declared on EDDiscovery, it's 135.  I jump to the next planet, scoop fuel on arrival, pull away of the Sun and launch to the next star.
It was about jump 20 when I found my ship getting a little warm. After fuel scooping, I could not break away from the star. Something was drawing me in and then alarm bells were sounding all over the ship. The radar showed that the star was behind me and no matter which way I turned it was always behind me. I opted to leave and triggered the FSD drive to log on to the next star system, however, I was going to have to complete the trip via an Escape Vector. Still with the ship getting hotter, 212 degrees, the Hyperdrive kicked in and I was out of there. Realising I had damage to the ship I refuelled at the next star and looked at the ships modules; FSD down at 68%. I shut everything down except for the Life Support and set the AFMU in motion, hoping that the Grade 5D would cope. I was left to reflect what had happened, but nothing came to mind.

After 32 jumps I arrive at a non-scoopable star. Having a fuel tank that holds 32Ts of fuel I have no concerns. Five non-scoopable stars later, I'm worried. I pause and take stock of the situation; I'm down to 10Ts of fuel. I look at my emergency handbook to seek out the method of calling the Fuel Rats, which offers little comfort.

I suddenly realise that my Galaxy Map has included non-scoopable stars on the route to Way Point 2. Quickly resetting the route to only allow only scoopable stars, I establish that I have 65 jumps to go to reach Way Point 2, Omega Sector VE-Q b5-15. With a weight taken off my mind, I set out on a journey that will take me to a station and some R&R. To date, my longest jump to another star has been 46.35lys, which I'm quite impressed with. At this point, I'm grateful that I listened to my Squadron colleagues and did a little engineering before setting off on the Distant World II trip. Since leaving Pallaeni I've not seen any stations to dock at, which is a little worrying, and I'm glad I have an AFMU on board. I'm hoping that the Discovery Scan of planets Data will have a value when I finally arrive at a station, and the journey will have some financial reward.

Arriving at Omega Sector VE-Q b5-15 I make for the Mining station. An amazing sight, as it is a station that is carved into an asteroid, and looks very cave 'like' once inside. First things first, I sell the cartographic data I have accumulated from scanning most of the stars on the 126 jumps, in total 3.4Mc. Now time for a little rest and relaxation and time to study the maps and the stopovers to Way Point 3.
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