Cmdr Tredwell
Explorer / Enforcer
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Federal Corvette TR-09F
Overall assets
G.O.M. Collective

Logbook entry

Distant World II, Journey to Waypoint 11

26 May 2019Tredwell
The galaxy map suggests that the distance between Waypoint 10 and 11 is some 14,456lys in a straight line, but DW2 is encouraging CMDRs to travel via places of interest, so the distance will be more like 16,300lys. The journey takes us through the Codex region designated as Newton's Vault and the Formorian Frontier - very lonely places. The two rest stops suggested are 'Aristo' and 'Kalipheron' with the arrival at 'Luna's Shadow'. The journey takes 11 days, 402 jumps in all. There is nothing out here. the stars change colour from white to blue, and then to green and there are places where no stars appear to exist. I attempt to surface mine at both stopovers but my mind is not in it, they call it some kind of space blankness, you want the journey to be over and consider turning back, but you have almost reached Beagle Point. That name begins to haunt you and it becomes a place and a name you never want to hear again. Arrival at Waypoint 11 is such a relief; I'm not sure if the moon is actually great for surface mining or its a figment of my imagination, but I spend many a few hours shooting rock and collecting materials, the surface is abundant with materials for engineering that I can use when I get home. This must be one of the most pleasant places on the journey to the end of the world.
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