Cmdr Tredwell
Explorer / Enforcer
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Federal Corvette TR-09F
Overall assets
G.O.M. Collective

Logbook entry

Distant World II, Journey to Waypoint 12, Beagle Point

27 May 2019Tredwell
I'm not sure what I was expecting - a welcome committee, flags and a band to welcome me - but the place is in darkness, a creator where I find it difficult to land. The location is on the dark side of the moon. I take the SRV out and head just out there somewhere. Full beam headlights do little to light up my path, I switch on night vision radar, and that offers little help. The crater is steep-sided in many places I have real concerns about that the SRV will topple over, and keep taking sideways routes to the material's location, trying and avoid being killed by a steep drop off the cliffs. However, the surface is a real goldmine for materials, they are in abundance. I spend a number of days reaping up the richly endowed material, some of a very rare type - this is the place to be. I realise that I ought to be heading home, out here on my own is not a place of pleasure that was I was led to believe. I look at the galaxy map and with a lot of research, try and plot the fastest and most direct route home. It seems that doubling back on my self will be the quickest route, simply leaving out the POIs will save me many Lys and days. I want to visit Explorer's Anchorage, partly to cash in my cartographic data, but also to take a few more pictures of Sagittarius and the newly built space station. Let's go home.
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