Cmdr Tredwell
Explorer / Enforcer
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Federal Corvette TR-09F
Overall assets
G.O.M. Collective

Logbook entry

SOL here I come

25 Jun 2019Tredwell
What I thought was going to be an enjoyable break on the DW2 journey home has been a nightmare. Attacked three times just beyond the Mass Locked distance from Jaques Station, Colonia. The first two were reasonable resistance, but the thirst lasted about three minutes, the NCP would not give up and then attacked me with a series of missiles; I had no weapons as I was an explorer. I found myself dumped back in the station, (with all the data missions still 'onboard'). I made the decision which missions I would complete and which ones I would abandon. A flight out to Hephaestus of 12.8lys, cashed in 5 missions for 380,000c and then I opened up the Galaxy Map and plotted the first of a three-stage jump to Sol - stage one a mere 4,939lys.
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