Cmdr Tredwell
Explorer / Enforcer
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Federal Corvette TR-09F
Overall assets
G.O.M. Collective

Logbook entry

There is a first time for everything.

04 Jan 2020Tredwell
I was invited to a party of sorts, the Coms said: “We are meeting at LTT 4487 for a RES party – see you there”.

As it was near Jameson Memorial where I was outfitting a Sidewinder, so I was happy to go along.

LTT 4487 has 43 Celestial bodies, so I guessed that I would have to scan some of them to find a RES with High intensity activity; there were four likely candidates - Gas Giants with ice rings. You guessed it, the first had nothing; it was the second planet, No 6, a Class 1 gas giant that had what I wanted. I scanned the planet and its rings, but nothing lit up in the rings. However, a reading showed up on my Navigation panel and I locked on it and headed down to the ice ring.

At first, there was nothing there, one Federal Agent, who scanned me then left me in peace, which was followed by a pirate ship who sent me a text via the comms panel, whinging that I had nothing of interest and suggested that I was wasting his time. Then the view on my radar went haywire. About twelve ships ploughed into view about 7km to my right – was this the party? As I headed towards them, the night sky lit up with hardpoints blasting at almost anything in sight. I was glad that I was well out of it, but I knew if I wanted to join the party, I would have to get closer. At 3km I started scanning everything that was passing in front of me; they ranged from Wanted to Clean and Competent to Elite pilots. I watched the shields of the Wanted reduce to nothing, but at 3 km I knew my Pulse lasers would have little effect, I had to get closer. After watching three ships explode before my eyes, I knew there was more to Bounty Hunting that the stories told. I went in closer to the fight for survival as my fourth target shields showed 76%. Shouting at my AI, “Hard Points”. I twisted and turned and was grateful that the engineered thrusters were performing well. However, keeping the Federal Agents out of the line of fire was testing my combat skills. But then I had a clear line of view, and the chosen ship’s shields were at 20%. I opened up with the Lasers and hit my target. Moments later I knew the Feds had completed the job, as bits of the ship exploded out from the smoke of a kill and I was awarded a bounty of 75,150 credits.

For me the party was over, I wanted to bank the bounty and claim my first combat kill. I headed away to Borman Colony, a local outpost station. Let’s hope the party continues because I’m heading back to LTT 4487.

Edited: Second visit, now at 15 kills, an invite from Tod the Blaster, and Mostly Harmless 28%.
Edited: Further visits, Mostly Harmless 80%. Tod Blaster engineered Multi Cannons to G5.
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