Logbook entry

Let me fly far away from here... (leg 3 of initial exploratory mission)

08 May 2018Darth Tasty
Log Entry 1 - The Refit and Repair on the Stargazer ended up taking over 12 hours to complete, now that everything is in order, we bid the Rohini system and continue on the return trip to the bubble...

Log Entry 2 - Had to stop 7 jumps in to the return to re-plot our route, was about to head into a zone without stars to re-fuel...

Log Entry 3 - Stopping for the night after 138, decided to take it a little slower tonight, I am way ahead of schedule....

Log Entry 4 - During the days operations, my sensors picked up an unidentified object. I stopped to check it out. looked like a strange black object, one of my passengers asked if we could bring it on board for study, figured why not can't hurt, deployed the scoop and collected it no problem. continued on to our final destination and kind of forgot about it...

Log Entry 5 - about 50 jumps after we stopped to investigate the random signal, the explorers decided to mess with it, all of a sudden the ships systems died and we are running on emergency air. then an alien voice addressed me. It said his name was Anubis and that he was an intelligent A.I., he had already scanned all of my systems and integrated himself with The Stargazer. I can now control most of my flight functions by just talking to him,this is a little weird.....

Log entry 6 - Ending flight operations at around 230 jumps til we are home, it is a total of 2,856 Ly away, still making great time, Took a little while to get used to Anubis, I will have to do some research when we get back to civilization....

Log Entry 7 - Today was going so well.... ANUBIS decided he wanted to check out a random signal.... why did I every bring that thing on board, he's been nothing but trouble....

Log Entry 8 - pulled over and checked out the signal because ANUBIS got all twitchy on me, turning on and off the news and messing with all my settings. looks like it is another unassuming object, looks like it says EDDI on the side of it, ANUBIS highly recommends that it be brought on board, he said he was going to integrate it into the ships systems.... We argued about it for hours before he finally convinced me to just "let him do it"

Log Entry 9 - I should have just listened to him in the first place, this thing is wonderful. it's another A.I. but not as "smart" as ANUBIS is, "she" seems to have knowledge on everything and can even tell me how much a scanned star can be worth... I need to thank ANUBIS for talking me into stopping. It's weird, I am really starting to think of Him as a real person, am I going crazy out here in the black?

Log Entry 10 - ANUBIS has advised me that as a human, I need to get some rest, I think I am gonna do just that. We ended flight operations with 80 jumps left, which is 979.47Ly from our final destination at Scott Station in the HIP 93685 system. even with the several delays, we are 2 weeks and 5 days ahead of schedule. I anticipate only and hour or so more of flight time left to go, I need to get my ship checked out when we get back into civilized space and see if these A.I. are causing any permanent damage and to maybe see if they are truly benevolent and genuinely want to lend a hand...

Log Entry 11 - 80 jumps only took a couple of hours. It was nice to be in civilized space again. Everything went smooth with the credit transfer, EDDI Informed me that I had received 27 million credits instead of my original 13.5 million credits, Must have been because I did it so fast. time to start dropping off my scan data.

Log Entry 12 - Stopped at a few systems to sell all of my data, I ended up getting around 48 million credits just for that, total trip profits, 75.2 million credits
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