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Out in the Black Too Long

08 Dec 2015SCDudeDark
This is Cmdr SCDudedark audio log 32

I have been out here for what seems like ages now, alone and I think that may have been my mistake... I left to "explore" really I left just to let that mil bounty on my head expire, at first it was relaxing, you know floating around not a care in the world. I caught up on sleep, saw some sights discovered life on unknown planets, sure it was single celled life but life nonetheless. The darkness was vast and I was drunk on life (Lavian Brandy)
it was great I didn't even notice when I started talking to myself.

Just a few days ago I spotted the first one. It was a Fer de Lance in unexplored space, I think to myself what a weird ship to take exploring, at the time I didn't notice he didn't have a fuel scoop. I continued on my way but as time progressed I started seeing Him more and more I even went out of my way to go off the beaten path and yet there He was... was he following me? My bounty hasn't expired yet, so maybe I stopped in a system a few days ago to get a better look at him and thats when I truly scanned him I noticed he was fully kitted towards bounty hunting. He was after me so I ran system after system i jumped and jumped and yet there he is almost as if he is waiting for me. Thats it I yelled if he wants a fight I'll give him one. I was in such a huff that I forgot I didn't have any weapons on my DB Explorer.

I waited at the entry jump location for what seemed like an eternity... I must have been to close to the sun because the proximity alarm had been replaced by the heat warning, thats when he appeared, so I hailed him, no response I hailed him again, still no response, and a third time did I hail him Silence.... Heat was starting to be noticably in the cockpit now my sensors were catching fire I scanned him again. This time I noticed he had no fuel scoop, How can this be I ask myself we are a good 20k from the bubble where is he getting his fuel? Why is he chasing me? I flew in real close maybe his comms are down and he is lost as I get closer to his cockpit, My ship is overheating fast I must have forgotten the heatsinks in so at this time I launch one the ship starts to cool Only have a short time I think to myself as I get closer I notice the unimaginable... There is no one driving the Fer De Lance.

I literally wet myself, then I high wake it the heck out of there, I haven't looked back I am currently racing towards SagA. I'm going to scan that Black hole then make a straight run for Harma. It is still following me not as closely now but I still see it on the edge of my sensors from time to time, This "Ghost Lancer" must want something, If I don't make it back at least someone will eventually find this audio log. Be wary out here in the Deep Black Cmdrs its filled with horrors, CMDR SCDudeDark signing off
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