Logbook entry

Odyssey Day 2

11 Jan 2016Krow
Still in the big black.
Currently over 1k LY from the bubble.

Had to stop and reboot the ships modules as a repair was necessary.
Kind of eerie when the life support system reboots so far from civilization.
Oxygen countdown as the power shuts down and diagnostics run is a sobering few minutes.

Repaired most of the modules and ship seems to be running smoothly. (NOTE: might require a second AFM, its not repairing itself.. need to look into that.)

Even at this respectable distance it has become increasingly difficult to find virgin systems.

Much to my annoyance I am finding a considerable amount of systems where only the jump star has been claimed, leaving me scan the rest of the systems.
Some of the flights are 400k Ls - very long flights indeed, but I refuse to come out here and not explore properly.
I guess at the end of the day (if there is such a thing) - I do get to claim the 50% bonus on virgin planets... that is if I make it back.
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