Logbook entry


13 Jan 2016Krow
Day 3 -  Continuing to scan systems of which the Jump Star has been claimed.

Have been contacted by Commander Pryzm to inform me of Unidentified Artifacts found in the MAIA system.
A large search is currently underway for these rare artifacts.

I have agreed to cut short my voyage and meet him at the location to assist in the hunt.

I will have to return to civilisation to cash in my data.
Not expecting this to pay any big bills any time soon with it,  but waste not want not.

Typically my journey back is uncovering a load of unexplored systems... and of course i cannot resist scanning them.
At this rate I should make it to MAIA in several weeks.. *Gah...


Made it to Tujila and sold the date for a surprising 5 mill !
Not too shabby at all, I think it was my relentless determination to completely scan each system.

Had five pages of "Congratulations you discovered".

Made my way successfully to MAIA System and met up with Commander PRYZM.

The PLEIADES NEBULA is beautiful, all these colours and glows are quite the contrast from the inky blackness I've been experiencing for the last few days.

Winged up with Cmdr. Pryzm.
Searched an Icy planet an discovered some Escape Pods (occupied) - got them on board my ship only to find out they were illegal..!! So I had no choice but too jettison them.. poor sods... how long have they been out there, are they even alive still. They didn't smell funny.

Also managed to collect a respectable amount of minerals including some rares, and a couple of loose canisters of Gold.
(high fived myself)

NOTE: Searching on high metal content planets harvest better minerals and occasionally a few rarer ones.

Made it back safely to Obsidian Orbital, in MAIA and sold the Gold then parked Arcadia.

Going to jump in the back and get some sleep, if i can.
The hum and bustle of the station is unusually calming, I guess it's just nice to be back in some civilisation, even this dusty remote outpost..

Signing Out ---- K
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