Logbook entry

Gold Digger

15 Jan 2016Krow
Oh well, the UA has been discovered.
While it's nice to be experiencing some outer limit landings , I think it's time for me to resume my relentless gold grind and make some coin.
Jumping in my trusty Duster, I farewell to the beautiful endless sunsets of the PLEIADES NEBULA and set a course back to my lucrative Golden seam.

Upon arriving back to my relentless trade run, it appears the value of gold has finally lost it's shine.
Decided to replaced the return Slave run from Gold to Indium, (only a modest loss of 200k).

The 15Ly Jump is still producing a respectable 1.3 mill return trip.
I'm actually quite surprised it hasn't already been discovered and ravaged.

Few jumps back and forth made me a quick 12 million, might spend some funds on re-kitting up my stripped down Clipper (Brimstone) I have sitting in the shed back at HIP. From memory parts for that thing were damn expensive, not sure 30 mill is going to get me very far but need to make a start. She's been sitting there since I pulled her apart and sold her parts to fund the purchase of The Torquemada.

Managed to re-kit Praetor (Python) back to scratch, time to turn my attention to Clipper Brimstone.

Well I Jumped into Duster and arrived at HiP - and I was correct, 30 million didn't go very far at all, decent Power Core and Distributor... Had decent set of Thrusters left on it but no shields at all. Probably looking at around another 40 Mill to get that back into A class fighting condition.

Jumped back into Duster and bounced back to my trusty trade run.

Looks like I'm on the trade YoYo until I make enough cash to polish Brimstone. (est. 4 hours)

Might be while before my next log, as there will be little to report during the mundane repetitious grind I'm anticipating.
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