Logbook entry

First Contact

17 Jan 2016Krow

Well.... there I was, trucking back and forth minding my own business making (phat) Creds, when I get a call from non other than CMDR Pryz.
He wanted company to go and have a look at this new alien barnacle discovery on Merope.

As usual, I'm about 400 Ly away, and Hauling gold in my Conda.
SO... I  jump into my Trusty Duster and meet him at Merope System.

We had the co-ordinates but we were slightly concerned about locating a relatively small barnacle on a decent sized planet..
Turns out we found it easy enough.!
Just had to head towards the big group of ships gathered and parked around it. Ha!

It was like a massive BBQ Beach Party, jokes and laughs galore, ships constantly coming and going..people doing jumps in their buggy's.
Quite the spectacle and event.

But deep down, we all were perpetually aware of the sinister notion of our little rocky nipple.
Everyone at some point had a quiet moment of "what the actual..." as the little electric blue sprites subtly drifted from its tip.
The occasional deep down knock of something large moving below the surface, was a constant reminder of the gravity of the discovery.

The infamous Captain Przy and I spent the afternoon meeting new Commanders and discussing the immediate mystery accompanied by the odd joke just to take some weight out of the situation..
My favourite theory was one of it being an automated Alien mining station (as it was sprouting shards of minerals) -

I also managed to get my hands on 4 eggs of the controversial Alien Alloy. I am tempted to place them in the trunk of an Eagle and park it in a dusty corner, in anticipation of the eventual conclusion of this wonderful mystery.

More than likely though, will eventually take them to Obsidian to sell. Apparently it becomes worth a lot less money the further it travels from it's point of origin...?
Like a reverse Rare trade. hrmm

These are strange days indeed, and fortunate enough to bear witness.

Harmony prevail,

CMDR. Krow signing out.
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