Logbook entry

Signing up for the Black

12 Mar 2016Krow

Well the unthinkable has happened.
I'm not even sure i should be recording this series of events in my log, and only do so to clarify and defend any misconceptions or slander regarding the loyalty and commitment of the Archangel Squadron.

I made contact with Commander Pryzm who blatantly and unashamedly confessed to me (in an absolute matter of fact fashion) that he had signed up with the dreaded Federation. Our old enemies and nemesis, now our fellow brothers in arms.
This did indeed bring into question my ethics and civil duties as respectable Commander , but more importantly it questioned the fundamental loyalty to my allegiance.
I served the Empire under both of those entitled Duval brats.
I was devoted Imperialist but for what?
The opportunity to purchase a Smexay Clipper? (well ok that was the initial incentive)
But I found kinship in the Empire, bonds which I will need to leave behind me if I am to continue down this path with any success.
By path, I speak of the Federation, yes, there ,I said it... I have signed up for the Federal ranks.
Taking into account my previous combat experience, after only a few missions I have already been promoted to Chief Petty Officer. Which allowed me access to the current Federal flagship the FEDERAL ASSAULT SHIP.
Now... I must say, this craft is something to behold.

I always considered the Clipper to be an elegant and graceful craft, that packed a respectable (albiet gimbled) punch.Like a sleek greyhound...  Well, the FAS is anything but that... its a bulldog.
For me this is easily the most enjoyable and diverse ship i have flown to date.

I am glad to have joined the Federal ranks, to gain access to this ship, and quite frankly, to be done with the contemptuous Empire and it's iClass ships..

In the Empire I was a servant.
In the Federation I am a soldier.

The conflict I wrestle within lay not with the policies or constitutions of either parties, not even it's ships, but rather and internal struggle, the justification of shame that comes with changing my allegiance. A turncoat.. It does not rest well within me.

I have been chaining on Community goals to somehow wash away the guilt of my decision, but mostly for the money.

But in truth, I am more complete here and already sensing this is the correct choice for me.
I belong here, amongst the darker ships and it's noble warriors.
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︎4 Shiny!
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