Logbook entry

Awakening of a Commander

27 Oct 2018Sniggett
CMDR Sniggett 10/27/3304

Seems like my on board AI woke me up early, old AI, GAIA is. was cheap though, so that is a bonus. after reading over Galnet, i'm truly worried about The Alliance and its Presidential run, people murdered, turned down, it all seems like a blur, might just be side effects of cryo sleep... it also seems Ramtah has asked me to retrieve parts for a "Guardian FSD booster" for him, and in return he can boost my F.S.D range to.... 50 light years?! with that i can finally go to Jaques station, in Colonia! Faster, Better, Farther, am i right?

An hour later

on my way back to The Bubble, got to slap some minor weapon on my ship, these guardian stations seem to require force to get the key, and The Resolute doesn't have any guns, to help with jump range. AKA less weight=more range. well, i better get moving on to the next star, see you then.

roughly 26 minutes later

Jump complete, cooled down, and.... scanned! now.. back to the log- oh its been recording that, ha ha? were was i? ah yes, Jump range! with the new tech that i may be able to get my hands on, i may be able to head out to Beagle Point, thousands of light years from Mother Gaia, it scares me to think about it, so far from home... and yes, i'm paranoid of Black Holes, so Sag A will be quite the party... and speaking of party's, I've been invited to a Alliance Halloween party, quite fun! although i don't "Dress up" for the occasion, i have a habit of bringing some of the finest food in the Galaxy, not very healthy though... i wonder if my fellow H.O.V members will join me. derailing here: i hear that we will get some updates on our Ship Systems, i even hear, we may be able to enter atmospheric planets! how amazing that would be, to walk around on a alien planet! life stretching out for miles! remind me of some of the life reserves on earth... i'm going to miss earth..
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︎0 Shiny!
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