Logbook entry


11 May 2018Gatimũ Kamau
CMDR’s Log, 3304.05.11, Sol Calendar;  My wife told me that she wanted to drop the following legs of our second expatiation and take a vacation.  

A real vacation.  Just us, a nice place and no worries.  So I mentioned a few places on Earth we could go.  I told her that we could go to Paris to see the Eiffel Tower or to China and see the Great Wall.  Petra in Jordan, the Taj Mahal in India or the Roman Colosseum.

"We can see those things anytime." she told me.  "I want to see something DIFFERENT."

And that's when she gave me the rub.  Or told me the "catch", as the saying goes among Earthers these days.  She told me of a place that she caught wind of from the more foreign traders who visit our home station.  She said she wanted to see a Tranquility's Rest starport.  She gave me the data she'd been given and I entered it into the nav computer and I nearly fainted when I saw that it was 1,100 Ly away.  The furthest we've ever been from Federation space by a long road.

But, what the hell...why not?

So of course I told her yes.  I could never refuse her much.  Besides, it will be a good dry run in preparation for my ultimate exploratory project; to chart our way to the galactic core and bring back the data to Sol...25,900 Ly away.  And, we stand to make enough credits with the information from this trip to invest in a proper exploratory ship for the big journey.

I've already put in my leave paperwork with my Ensign and started plotting a new and proper expeditionary course for my wife's chosen destination.

Here's to hoping for a fair trip and a good time, Goddess keep us.

...I'd better shore up our hardpoints just in case...
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