Logbook entry

Back in the Big Chair

31 Oct 2018Gatimũ Kamau
CMDR’s Log, 3304.10.31, Sol Calendar; I'm not completely sure that we're ready for this.

I've been behind a desk on *sigh* Mars for the last five months.  Out of the "space game" as they say.  And I've primarily been focusing on both my pre-officer studies and supporting my wife's nearly completed training post-enlistment since she made the decision to no longer just be a military wife and be military herself.

"In for a credit, in for a pound." she said to me.  She make me so proud.  I've already got our MFNCP (Married Federal Navy Couples Program) paperwork processing to ensure that we can travel together.

But I digress...

My commander came to me and pulled me into her office yesterday and I found myself in the middle of a briefing with three other gentlemen I didn't recognize in suits representing interests I wasn't familiar with, all of them with TS level files in front of them for me to read over.  I can't divulge many of the details in my personal logs, but the short of it is that...my wife and I are being thrown back into the big chair.  The long of it is that we'll need to brace for combat that's highly possible.

Due to the facts that 1.) we have some of the most extensive deep space experience in the Navy based on the my ranking with the Pilot's Federation and the gigaquads of data we've brought back to the Federation proper and 2.) because we already privately own a combat capable, recon quality ship, we have been ordered, as soon as my wife's basic training is complete, to locate the Shenzhou, who's last known location was entrusted to me.  A battle cruiser that was reported lost while on a mission of discovery concerning the nature of the Thargoid and the Thargoid threat.  And if at all possible, aid her crew as necessary and return with any data they may have collected.

This s*it is bananas.

The Pride of Afrika has been sitting in dry dock at Abraham Lincoln Station for so long that it might as well have residency and Na'Kimuli and I have only periodically gone aboard to make sure that everything is still in its proper place, ensure that all of her primary and secondary systems are in proper working order, and to verify that the auto update subroutines were catching all of the latest firmware pushes.

There's nothing for it.  We're not going to disobey orders.  The WARNO is what it is.  I'm just concerned that my days of being able to serve the Federation's interests without the need to resort to violence may be over.  But that wasn't really unexpected.  After all, it's the duty and charge of a Naval seaman to fight Earth's wars.  And the way things are going, we'll all know what it is to fight the Thargoids.

For better or for worse.

I suppose it's time for me to warm up the PoA's generators, PMCS her engines, shields and hardpoints, dust off the bridge consoles and get her out of the docking ring so that we can run her through some training simulations.  I have a bad feeling that, between the ever increasing external threats and the internal issues we've been having with the hacktivist group "The Collective", that long, bad days are right around the corner...
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