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FauIcon DeLacy Security Camera Footage: Engineering

14 Oct 2019Gatimũ Kamau
3305.10.14/0147 HRS

Na'Kimuli:  Remind me again why we invested in such an antiquated ship.

Gatimũ (Grunting with strained effort.):  Sex appeal.  She's got it in spades.

Na'Kimuli:  Maybe.  It's just too bad that it's taken more than half a billion credits to ensure that she's had more.

Gatimũ (Cleaning his hands with a dingy rag and standing up from the floor behind Na'Kimuli who remains on one knee.):  Can't argue with the results though.  There's none other like her in the verse.  

Na'Kimuli (Briefly looking over her shoulder.):  Fix it?

Gatimũ:  Nah.  The ship just isn't equipped to process the runoff from that alien FSD booster.  I can't capture it, redistribute it or store it.  It's just energy lost.  The tech just doesn't exist for us.  It's a shame because, if we could, we'd theoretically be able to pull another 10ly out of it or more.  I guess we should be lucky that it's not metastasizing into a larger problem or cooking us inside the hull and that it's just harmlessly bleeding out into the exhaust.  I can deal with stray white gas escaping from the main engines.

Na'Kimuli:  And escaping through the energy weapons' systems.

Gatimũ:  True.  I've noticed the white hue of the beam weapons.  Kind of hard to miss.  It's not so bad I suppose.  White exhaust and weapons fire actually looks...kind of interesting.  It kind of gives the SoA a unique personality.  But, that being said, I'd rather have a longer jump range than white exhaust.  But what can you do?  (Looking intensely at Na'Kimuli's work and pointing.)  So there's seriously nothing else we can do there?

Na'Kimuli (Reaching lubricant covered arms around and behind hydraulic lines.):  Nope.

Gatimũ (Wiping sweat from his head, leaving a smear of equipment smut behind.):  So we have to rebuild the entire power distribution core?

Na'Kimuli: The current architecture just won't support the changes.  The system needs to be completely restructured and the oversized conduits need to be replaced in favor of a set of what Dweller basically referred to as a large cluster of capacitors.  That way we can beef up our core systems' recharge rates while retaining at least a fraction of our current power reservoir size...I think.

Gatimũ (Kicks a support strut in frustration.):  Fuck!  That'll take days!

Na'Kimuli:  There's nothing for it.  Luckily he's on his way down now with a crew to start the work.  I just need to finish installing this new converter coupling to replace the one we blew out.  The capacitors are set to store an impressive amount of power, but that's useless to us when they run dry.  The SoA's systems don't have the refresh rate that we need in heavy fighting.  What's the use of heavy weapons that we don't have the juice to use?

Gatimũ:  You're preaching to the choir.  I was the one in the seat in that our skirmish.  I'm well aware of our limitations.

Na'Kimuli:  Are you sure?  (Pulls her arms out of the equipment housing and relaxes back on her hands while surveying her work.)   You're the one that decided to take on five ships at once.

Gatimũ:  Even being as slow as we are, I still slagged four of them before we had to frame shift out of the conflict.

Na'Kimuli:  With shattered shields that would have taken minutes to recharge and our hull integrity down in the low 40's.  

Gatimũ:  Two more minutes and they wouldn't have been a problem.

Na'Kimuli:  If the sub-system capacitor hadn't have run dry, or if they could have recharged more swiftly, then maybe the chaff launchers could have given you that two minutes.

Gatimũ:  Once Palin fine tunes our thrusters the way he claims he can, that two minutes won't matter.

Na'Kimuli (Sitting back up and reaching back into the engine housing.):  Assuming the rebuilt power distributor can accommodate further augmentation to the engine sub-systems.

Gatimũ (Shrugging.):  Whatever. Fact of the matter is that the SoA continues to impress.  Even in her dotage.  (Stepping forward and grabbing Na'Kimuli's shoulder.)  Wait.  What are you doing?  Don't route that through there.

Na'Kimuli:  I have to.  Otherwise we loose our reserve power from mid ship down.

Gatimũ:  No.  If you do that you'll trip the breakers and we'll loose power all throughout the ship.  Then I'll have to go down to the lower engeneering deck, flip all of the breakers and we'll have to reboot the entire ship mainframe.  It's the teal wire group you want.  Not the red one.

Na'Kimuli (Looking backwards.):  Says who exactly?

Gatimũ:  Red we're dead.  Teal we're chill.

Na'Kimuli:  Where'd you get that piece of elementary school rhyming?

Gatimũ:  Everyone says that!

Na'Kimuli (Shaking her head and resuming work):  I'm finishing this connection.  It's the red group.

Gatimũ:  I really don't think you should cut tha-

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